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Rapid-Service-Mail No.108

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Date:2016-02-26 09:19:39
Sender:Horst Mueller <horst.mueller@tum.de>
Subject:[RapidServiceMail] No.108: (DGFI) big range/time biases: station Zelenchukskya (1889) on Feb. 24 2016
Content:Dear colleagues,

data taken on February 24 2016 from station 1889 show big unsystematic
range biases and time biases
can you please check your system:

satellite date time range bias error time bias error
[cm] [cm] [microsec.]

lageos1:2016 2 24 06:05 : -2723.61 30.45 -720.00 91.30
lageos1:2016 2 24 09:05 : 2760.73 11.17
lageos2:2016 2 23 23:13 : 1.05 2.60
lageos2:2016 2 24 07:17 : -1231.48 4.36 100.90 22.62

Best regards
Horst Mueller

Horst Müller
Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsinstitut der
Technische Universität München (DGFI-TUM)
Arcisstr. 21
80333 Muenchen
Tel.: + 49 89 23031 1277

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