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Date:2016-05-09 12:02:38
Sender:plejba <plejba@cbk.poznan.pl>
Subject:[RapidServiceMail] No.112: Re: (DGFI) Time bias of 1 second at Borowiec station
Content:Dear Horst,

Thank you very much for your message. Yes, it´s true. TB was due to our
clock synchronization problem. The problem was solved on the same night.
Now, everything should be ok.

Kind regards,

Dr. Pawel Lejba
Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences
Manager of Borowiec Astrogeodynamic Observatory
Head of Satellite Laser Ranging Team
Drapalka 4, 62-035 Kornik
Tel: (+48 61) 817 01 87, ext. 45
Mobile: (+48) 697-001-652
Fax: (+48 61) 817 02 19
E-mail: plejba@cbk.poznan.pl
Webpage: www.cbk.poznan.pl

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W dniu 2016-05-09 12:40, Horst Mueller napisał(a):
> Dear colleagues,
> the latest pass delivered from Borowied station (7811) Lageos2, May 06
> 2016 21:24 h has exactly 1 second time bias. Data delivered prior to
> this date are free of time biases.
> Best regards
> Horst Mueller
> --
> Horst Müller
> Deutsches Geodaetisches Forschungsinstitut der
> Technische Universität München (DGFI-TUM)
> Arcisstr. 21
> 80333 Muenchen
> Germany
> Tel.: + 49 89 23031 1277

Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de