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Rapid-Service-Mail No.157

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Date:2020-08-21 01:51:57
Sender:Toshimichi Otsubo <t.otsubo@r.hit-u.ac.jp>
Subject:[RapidServiceMail] No.157: (HITU) Large bias in Golosiiv (1824) data
Content:Dear Mykhaylo cc: ILRS RapidServiceMail

Hello from Tokyo. I hope you are all well.

Since 19 August, we have detected a series of anomalous SLR
data from Golosiiv. Please visit:
(and go to the latest report) and check your system.

In addition to the large range & time biases, the scatters of NPs
are so large. But there are also a few good passes.

Will you please give me a quick reply when you receive
this email? Thank you.

Best Regards,
Toshimichi Otsubo

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