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Rapid-Service-Mail No.24

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Date:2012-04-18 12:39:34
Sender:Horst Mueller <mueller@dgfi.badw.de>
Subject:[RapidServiceMail] No.24: 1 Second time bias from McDonald

ILRS/AWG Rapid Service Mail (DGFI) McDonald (7080) 1 sec. time bias,
Message 0024

Dear colleagues,

the Lageos2 pass fromMcDonald (7080) measured April 17, 2012, 02:29 h,
has a 1 sec. time bias.
see also: http://ilrs.dgfi.badw.de/quality/weekly_biases/lageos2/latest
, or below
Please check your system.

Best regards
Horst Mueller

Station year mm dd hh mm range-bias sigma prec.est. no of
edit. time-bias sigma
[cm] [cm] [cm]
observations [microsec.]

Mcdonald 2012 4 17 02:29 : -0.21 5.63 0.93 10
01000017.00 38.69 7080

Horst Mueller email: mueller@dgfi.badw.de
DGFI phone: +49 89 23031 1277
Alfons-Goppel-Straße 11 fax: +49 89 23031 1240
D-80539 Muenchen Germany

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