Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 98: Coordinate Changes
From: Wang Tanqing, Beijing <[Mailed  EDC <>]>

SLR Electronic Mail          1998-01-02 11:00:00 UTC           Message No. 98 

Author: Wang Tanqing, Beijing
Subject: Coordinate Changes

Dear colleagues,
   New station coordinates in station 7249(Beijing) was used in the
tracking  and data preprocecing from 29th of December ,1997.All analysis
works for Beijing station should be depends on these values:

6.378137000 298.2570  ! Semi_major axis (megameters) and reciprocal flattening
115 53 31.39269       ! East longitude ( Deg, Min, Sec )
+39 36 24.96433       ! Latitude ( Deg, Min, Sec )
 81.666               ! Height above spheroid in meters
x=-2 148 760.309(m)
y=4 426 759.576(m)
z=4 044 509.677(m)
Wang Tanqing

[Mailed From: EDC <>] 
