Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 521: Status of CDDIS Computer Facility
From: Carey Noll/CDDIS <###FROM###>

SLR Electronic Mail          2000-01-03 16:20:00 UTC           Message No. 521 

Author:  Carey Noll/CDDIS
Subject: Status of CDDIS Computer Facility

Dear Colleagues,

    First of all, Happy New Year to all.  Unfortunately, our computer is not having a happy time of things.  As you may 
recall, we were attempting an operating system upgrade last week which 
ran into complications.  It appears a hardware problem may have 
contributed to our troubles.  We hope to have replacement parts 
installed today and continue with the upgrade later in the day.  
Therefore, I expect that our system will be down to users for most of 
the day.  Sorry for these continued problems and hope that you will 
all bear with us during this outage.

Best regards,