Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 611: Problems at Weekend with NFS From: W. Seemueller, DGFI/EDC > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2000-05-29 10:54:00 UTC Message No. 611 ******************************************************************************** Author: W. Seemueller, DGFI/EDC Subject: Problems at Weekend with NFS Dear colleagues, yesterday the Computing Center LRZ in Munich had problems with the Net File System (NFS). From Sunday morning 02:00 hour to Monday morning 08:00 hour a router doesn´t work. Therefore no email arrives at EDC and the ftp server doesn´t work due to that problem. Since 08:00 this morning all is working again. Sorry for any inconvenience and the problems with EDC, which were caused by our Computing Center, and not a fault of the EDC machine. Best regards, Wolfgang Seemueller. -------------------- . . -- -------------- /------------------------ EUROLAS Data Center ( ) ( ) ***_ ^ -o- Tel. +49 89 23031-109 EDC c/o DGFI | | | | *|* o|_ / / / Fax: +49 89 23031-240 Marstallplatz 8 |o| |o| |o |_) / / email: D-80539 Muenchen | |/| | |___| / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”/DGFI3/home/slrmail/mbox” complete From: Eurolas Data Center ********************************************************************************