Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 672: 12th International Laser Ranging Workshop From: Graham Appleby > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2000-10-16 17:36:00 UTC Message No. 672 ******************************************************************************** Author: Graham Appleby Subject: 12th International Laser Ranging Workshop The 12th International Workshop on Laser Ranging will be held in Matera, Italy during the week of November 13-17. You are invited to consider submitting a paper to the following session: Target Design, Signature and Biases (G. Appleby and Vassiliev) New retro-array designs: avoiding multi-cube returns; optimised for two-colour ranging. Analysis of observational effects in existing satellites; Correction algorithms; Techniques for signal analysis; Results exploiting the signature effect. Please email your abstracts for this session to (Giuseppe Bianco, Workshop Chairman) and (Graham Appleby, Session Joint Chairman) and (Vladimir Vasiliev, Session Joint Chairman) The deadline for abstract submission is Friday October 27. Abstracts received after this date will not be included in the Workshop book of abstracts. Regards, --------------------------------------------------------- Graham Appleby Huntingdon PE28 2LS NERC Space Geodesy Facility Tel: +44 (0) 1487 77 24 77 Monks Wood Fax: +44 (0) 1487 77 34 67 Abbots Ripton --------------------------------------------------------- ”/DGFI3/home/slrmail/mbox” complete From: graham appleby ********************************************************************************