Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 708: NP Data Delivery Reporting From: Wolfgang Seemueller, EDC/DGFI <###FROM###> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2000-12-19 09:20:00 UTC Message No. 708 ******************************************************************************** Author: Wolfgang Seemueller, EDC/DGFI Subject: NP Data Delivery Reporting Dear colleagues, since December 01, 2000 a reporting of np data delivery to EDC is available. This information about np data delivery you can find at our ftp server in pub/laser/summaries with the file names sum_yymmdd.edc Each line contains the information about one pass sent to EDC, see example below for the day December 13, 2000. This summary file is updated every hour. -------------------------------------------------------- Format description: column 1- 7 satellite number column 8-12 station number column 13-16 type of np (onp, sao, eql) column 17-24 date of the pass (yymm.dd) column 25-30 start second of the pass column 31-36 length of the pass in seconds column 37-41 number of np column 42-62 name of the file which was sent to HTSI ------------------------------------------------------- Best regards, Wolfgang Seemueller ********************************************************************************