Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1119: New Features of the ILRS Web Site Station Pages From: V. Husson, P. Stevens, H. Vo, ILRS CB > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2003-08-23 12:38:00 UTC Message No. 1119 ******************************************************************************** Author: V. Husson, P. Stevens, H. Vo, ILRS CB Subject: New Features of the ILRS Web Site Station Pages Dear Colleagues: 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 A few days ago we went operational with a new set of station pages on the ILRS Web Site (ref:SLRMail#1117). We like to stress some new features of these pages and also STRESS that the site logs are an integral element of these new pages. Therefore; it is imperative that systems KEEP their logs CURRENT COMPLETE, and ACCURATE. The main page of the ILRS stations page at: is a map of sites since the formation of the ILRS which HAVE provided site logs. Click on the site name to go to that site´s main page. NOTE TO STATIONS: Stations should BOOKMARK their own site´s page. Here are the key features of each site´s main page: 1. There is a graphic of the system. If a graphic is missing or if you prefer a better picture please send it to the CB at . 2. At the very top of the page are four clickable tabs labeled GENERAL, MET DATA, PERFORMANCE, & SITE LOG. The tab which has a white background indicates which page you are on. 3. On the left navigation bar is the listing of sites, sorted by the 4-character site code. If you want to re-sort the sites by marker/Pad Id click on ”PAD ID”. 4. On the GENERAL page there are several sets of information: This information includes the contact information, approximate coordinates, station news, and the URL from Section 2, Section 15, Section 14, and Section 17 of the site log, respectively. Once we establish a new standard message for station news, these emails will be added to the NEWS Section (Stay tuned to SLRMail for the station standard message description). 5. On the MET DATA page are three clickable thumbnails of TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE, and HUMIDITY which was extracted from the normal points (NP). We hope soon to add some aggregate long term analysis of met data that will clearly identify any subtle trends in the met data. 6. On the PERFORMANCE page there are currently four clickable thumbnails of RMS, SYSTEM DELAY, AVERAGE OBS per NP, FULLRATE OBS (per pass/pass segment) from the LAGEOS NPs. We plan to add some aggregate performance plots and in addition add pass-by-pass range and time bias results from the weekly LAGEOS reports (e.g. CSR, CRL, MCC, Delft). The performance help provides insight on what to look for in the charts. 7. The SITE LOG page is the actual site log broken into its different sections with bookmarks to help your scroll through the information. Also please note: near the top you can go to an abbreviated set of instructions on how to update your site log. Going back to the main station page, the left navigation bar contains: SITE LISTING (listing of all the sites sorted by marker ID in addition to collocated site logs) SITE INFORMATION (mostly global SLR information databases) SITE PROCEDURES/REQUIREMENTS (e.g. data flow, qualification, etc.) CURRENT NETWORK STATUS (a file which provides the date of the last pass tracked for each location) NETWORK MAP From: ”Husson, Van” ********************************************************************************