Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1140: SLR Graz starts kHz ranging ...
From: Georg Kirchner <###FROM###>

SLR Electronic Mail          2003-10-09 17:28:00 UTC           Message No. 1140 

Author:  Georg Kirchner
Subject: SLR Graz starts kHz ranging ...

Dear colleagues,

After passing some final checks on some test data (from various 
satellites) made by Graham and Toshi (thank you !), we are starting 
today  (2003-10-09, 0:00 UTC), with ranging to all usual satellites with 
the new kHz laser system. The main specs for this kHz laser system - as 
already indicated in previous papers - are now:

2000 Hz      Laser Repetition Rate
< 10 ps        Laser Pulse Width
0.4 mJ / Shot  @ 532 nm

We are getting at the moment up to some 100 k returns from LEOs, up to 
150 k returns from LAGEOS,
and up to 10000 returns from GPS.

These numbers might even increase in the next time, as our observers are 
quite enthusiastic to beat all our internal records :-)

As the present NP format allows only for a maximum of 9999 points/NP, we 
will just state &#8221;9999&#8221; if that is exceeded (our present high score there 
is about 25 000 pts / NP ...).

With the hope for a seamless - and improved - continuation of the Graz 
SLR data,

Georg & Franz

