Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1249: Gravity Probe-B Drag Free Operations
From: Julie Horvath, NASA SLR <>

SLR Electronic Mail          2004-08-30 16:52:00 UTC           Message No. 1249 

Author:  Julie Horvath, NASA SLR
Subject: Gravity Probe-B Drag Free Operations

Dear Colleagues,

We have received word from the Gravity Probe Project about the status of the GPB orbit.  Here is the message that was distributed:

	&#8221;As of 18:30 Z today [Friday, 8/29/04] we went into drag-free control and expect to remain there for the duration of the science phase of the mission.  There may be some adjustments to the control system, but pending unforeseen problems, you may
want to switch your models to be consistent with drag-free operations.&#8221;

We are hopeful that the GPB predictions will be much more stable in drag-free operations.  Please let us know if you experience any acquisition problems.  Thank you for all of your efforts over the last few weeks, as this mission has gotten off to a great

Best Regards,

Julie Horvath
Honeywell TSI

