Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1253: IERS GGFC Special Bureau for Loading status From: Tonie van Dam, Hans-Peter Plag, Halfdan P. Kierulf > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2004-09-14 00:04:00 UTC Message No. 1253 ******************************************************************************** Author: Tonie van Dam, Hans-Peter Plag, Halfdan P. Kierulf Subject: IERS GGFC Special Bureau for Loading status The products web page of the IERS GGFC Special Bureau for Loading has been upgraded and is now delivering on a routine basis 6-hourly products related to the 3-D displacement field of the Earth surface due to air pressure loading. These products are available at . The following is currently available: - Global Grids: The global grids with a spatial resolution 2.5 x 2.5 degrees are computed every 12 hours on the basis of the ECMWF mean sea level pressure data for the current hour, the six hourly prediction and the 12 hourly prediction. Air temperature is used to compute the pressure anomaly at the Earth´s surface using ETOP5 to determine the topography. Latency for the grids is approximately 17 hours. - Time series: Time series for individual stations. In order to ease access, these stations are grouped, with the groups including all ITRF stations for each individual technique, the EUREF stations, and the ESEAS stations. - Points: Six-hourly files with loading predictions for selected points. The points are corresponding to several groups of stations. Currently the station groups are the same as for the time series. More information on the products is available on the web page. We invited particularly the Analysis Centers to provide feedback on the quality of the ´operational´ products and their usefulness in terms of format, availability, groupings a.s.o. If additional products or similar products in different forms would be more appropriate for future use in operational analyses, we would appreciate to learn about this. We also would like to inform you that additional products have been added to and the available products have been updated in terms of time interval covered. The main products there are historical grids as well as time series of loading-induced displacements for all ITRF sites and selected other networks. Again, feedback on the quality and usefulness of these research products is most welcome. If there are other station networks that should be included in the processing, please, feel free to contact us. However, it has to be emphasised that the routine products produced on the basis of the ECMWF near-real time data are provided for research purposes mainly within the ITRF community, only. If a network is suggested for inclusion, we would need a proposal describing the research to be done based on the routinely provided products. We hope, the service of the SBL is of use for you. Questions directly related to the operational processing should be directed to Halfdan P. Kierulf ( Questions related to other issues of the SBL should be sent to both Tonie van Dam ( and Hans-Peter Plag ( From: Hans-Peter Plag ********************************************************************************