Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1254: 7604 BREF Mobile laser (FTLRS) operations in Brest (France)
From: Francis Pierron, Grasse <Francis Pierron <>>

SLR Electronic Mail          2004-09-16 19:04:00 UTC           Message No. 1254 

Author: Francis Pierron, Grasse
Subject: 7604 BREF Mobile laser (FTLRS) operations in Brest (France)
Subject: 7604 BREF Mobile laser (FTLRS) operations in Brest (France)
Subject: 7604 BREF Mobile laser (FTLRS) operations in Brest (France)

   Dear colleagues,

As we indicated you at San Fernando Workshop on june 2004, we deployed some days
ago our mobile slr system (FTLRS) in Brest-France for a two months campaign.

This mission has been organised in the framework of a multitechniques  project
(GPS, Gravimeter, Inclinomters, Tide gauges, Satellites Laser tracking) to
measure loading effects of equinox ocean tides on earth&#180;s crust in this area of
Bretagne, and involves different partners and scientific french organisations*.

With the very efficient collaboration of the French Navy in Brest which hosted
our equipments and Ftlrs staff, the setup of the station was achieved quickly
and we got the first pass on monday september 13 th, we&#180;ll begin to send the
data through usual flow in a few hours..

The site log for this new laser site was sent today to ILRS and, thanks Carey
Noll, is available on line on the ILRS Web site.

The link for this site information at Ilrs is the following :

We installed on site a webcam with a link on the OCA Web-site :

  Thanks for your cooperation, especially our colleagues from Epshom and the
agencies and scientists involved in this project.

                         Best regards to all of you

                                                    Francis Pierron

Don&#180;t hesitate to contact us for any question or comment, scientific projects
and application of interest for the futur with this system....

* List of the agencies implied in the project :

- CLDG, EA 2612, Université de La Rochelle - France
- ESGT, Le Mans - France
- IGN - LAREG, Marne la Vallée - France
- IGN - SGN, Saint-Mandé   - France
- IPGP, Département de Sismologie, UMR7580, Paris - France
- IPGS - EOST, UMR7516, Strasbourg - France
- LDL, UMR5573, Université Montpellier II/CNRS  - France
- OCA/GEMINI, Grasse - France
- SHOM, section Géodésie-Géophysique, Brest - France
- UMR 7619 &#8221;Sisyphe&#8221;, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris - France

+  Francis Pierron                 Tel : (33) [0]4 93 40 54 20    +
+   GEMINI                         fax : (33) [0]4 93 09 26 14    +
+   email :                           +
+                                                                 +
+               Grasse Laser ranging operations                   +
+             Ultra mobile and permanent stations                 +
+                                                                 +
+                Observatoire de la Cote d&#180;Azur                   +
+         Avenue Nicolas Copernic  06130 Grasse - France          +

From: Francis Pierron <> 
