Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1265: Computer Failure at HTSI: Daily Prediction Files From: Wolfgang Seemueller, EDC/DGFI > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2004-10-05 11:18:00 UTC Message No. 1265 ******************************************************************************** Author: Wolfgang Seemueller, EDC/DGFI Subject: Computer Failure at HTSI: Daily Prediction Files Computer Failure at HTSI: Daily Prediction Files Obviously yesterday´s computer failure prevents HTSI from distributing the daily IRV prediction files. In case the problem persists we would like to remind the SLR stations that daily predictions generated by NERC for most satellites are available at Wolfgang Seemueller ------------------- . . - ------------- /------------------------- Wolfgang Seemueller ( ) ( ) ***_ ^ -o- Tel. +49 89 23031-109 DGFI, Abt.I | | | | *|* o|_ / / / Fax: +49 89 23031-240 Marstallplatz 8 |o| |o| |o |_) / / email: D-80539 Muenchen | |/| | |___| / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”/DGFI3/home/slrmail/mbox” complete From: ”Wolfgang Seemeuller (EDC)” ********************************************************************************