Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1444: IDS Workshop Programme, March 13-15, 2006, Venice From: Frank Lemoine, Gilles Tavernier, Laurent Soudarin ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2006-03-03 00:02:00 UTC Message No. 1444 ******************************************************************************** Author: Frank Lemoine, Gilles Tavernier, Laurent Soudarin Subject: IDS Workshop Programme, March 13-15, 2006, Venice IDS WORKSHOP, Venice, 13-15 March 2006 PROGRAMME Monday, 13 March 2006 14.00-16.20 Session 1 - Chairpersons: Frank Lemoine , Gilles Tavernier 14.00-14.20 The International DORIS Service: genesis and early achievements -G. Tavernier 14.20- 14.50 DORIS System Improvements -A. Auriol 14.50- 15.20 DORIS network 2006 review: renovation result, stability and co-location assessment, prospects. -H. Fagard 15.20- 15.40 Analysis coordination and steps required towards generation of IDS products -F. Lemoine 15.40- 16.10 Coffee break 14.00-16.20 Session 2 - Chairpersons: Pascal Willis, John Ries 16.10-16.30 Overview of the anomalies at the Kourou beacon site -P. Yaya 16.30-16.50 Analysis of DORIS stations coordinates long time series with CATREF software -J.J. Valette 16.50-17.10 Combining DORIS data with other space techniques for a terrestrial reference frame -B. Meisel 17.10-17.40 Spectral characteristics of the DORIS position time series & Statistical studies of DORIS stations stability in view of a combined solution -K. Lebail 18.00- 19.30 Ice breaker reception Tuesday, 14 March 2006 9.00-10.40 Session 3 Chairpersons: Frank Lemoine, John Ries 9.00-9.20 A model of present-day plate motions from the DORIS system -L. Soudarin 9.20-9.40 Plate motion and glacial isostatic adjustment from DORIS -P. Willis 9.40-10.00 DORIS absolute velocities on Sorsdal and Lambert glaciers in Antarctica -J.J. Valette 10.00-10.20 DORIS data processing with Bernese GPS Software at Geodesy Observatory Pecny: tests, initial results and future prospects. -P. Stepanek 10.20-10.40 Current status of the South Atlantic Anomaly corrective model for Jason-1 DORIS Doppler data -J.-M. Lemoine, P. Sengenes 10.40- 11.10 Coffee break 11.10 -12.30 Session 4 Chairpersons: Nikita Zelensky, Jean-Michel Lemoine 11.10-11.30 Positioning results with the SAA corrective model for Jason DORIS data -L. Soudarin 11.30-11.50 DORIS solutions using phase measurements, application on Spot5 data -F. Mercier 11.50-12.10 DORIS Time Bias estimated using Jason-1, TOPEX/POSEIDON, and ENVISAT orbits -N. Zelensky 12.10-12.30 Evolution of the different processing steps impacting the Doris 1B Products -F. Mercier 12.30- 14.00 Lunch Sala Laguna 14:00-15:30 Session 5 Chairpersons: Gilles Tavernier, Frank Lemoine 14.00-14.30 IDS Analysis and Combination Centers: Status and Plans IGN/JPL - P. Willis LEGOS/CLS - L. Soudarin GSFC/Geoscience Australia - F. Lemoine INASAN - S. Kuzin Geodesy Observatory Pecny - P. Stepanek IDS Combination Center - JJ. Valette 14:30-15:30 Discussions, Moderators: Gilles Tavernier & Frank Lemoine Analysis coordination, future campaigns -JJ. Valette Support to new Analysis Centers -F. Lemoine, L. Soudarin DORIS system evolutions, future missions -J. Ries, P. Willis 15.30- 16:00 Coffee break 16.00- 17.00 Discussions (continued): Jason-1 SAA models, assessment campaign -J.-M. Lemoine, F. Mercier IDS contribution to the International Polar Year - J.J. Valette, G. Tavernier 17.20- 18.00 IDS Governing Board Meeting Wednesday, 15 March 2006 9.00-12.00 Session 5 Chairpersons: Karine Le Bail, Gilles Tavernier 9.00-9.20 Combination of Polar motion parameters series obtained from DORIS -D. Gambis 9.20-9.40 Determination of seasonal geocenter variations from DORIS, GPS and SLR data and their comparison with geophysical models -S. Kuzin 9.40-10.00 Ionospheric Applications of the Scintillation and Tomography Receiver in Space (CITRIS) used with the DORIS Radio Beacon Network -P. Bernhardt 10.00-10.20 New DORIS 2GXX Data and associated products -J.P. Granier 10.20- 10.50 Coffee break 10.50-11.20 Discussion Moderators: J.P. Granier & J. Ries DORIS Data delivery delay and format 11.20-12.00 Discussion Moderators: D. Gambis, J. Ries, J.J. Valette -Estimation of EOP rates for DORIS -Motion of the Geocenter -Ionospheric Studies and New Data Products 12.00-12.30 Concluding session: Chairpersons: Frank Lemoine, Laurent Soudarin, Pascal Willis Summary & Recommendations Other discussion topic: New standards for Jason-1 and ENVISAT reprocessing From: ********************************************************************************