Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1489: GGOS Workshop 2006: Detailed Workshop Programme Available From: Hans-Peter Plag (for the GGOS Executive Committee) > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2006-09-12 23:30:00 UTC Message No. 1489 ******************************************************************************** Author: Hans-Peter Plag (for the GGOS Executive Committee) Subject: GGOS Workshop 2006: Detailed Workshop Programme Available Dear Colleagues, the detailed programme for the 2006 GGOS Workshop is now available at the web page . Moreover, we have also made available a list of the registered participants. If you intend to participate in the workshop and have not yet registered, please, do so soon. It would be helpful for the practical organization to have an idea of how many participants we can expect. Best regards Hans-Peter Plag From: Hans-Peter Plag ********************************************************************************