Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1530: GGOS Questionaire From: Mike Pearlman and Werner Gurtner > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2007-01-26 17:26:00 UTC Message No. 1530 ******************************************************************************** Author: Mike Pearlman and Werner Gurtner Subject: GGOS Questionaire Dear Colleagues: As you know, several of us from each of the IAG Serives have been involved in the development of the IAG´s Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) Project. GGOS, our new umbrella project under the IAG, has scheduled a Retreat in California during the week of February 19. Some information on the GGOS activity can be found at: The agenda for the program can be found at: One of the issues to be discussed is the relationship between GGOS and the ILRS. We have been invited to give a short presentation on our thoughts to several relationship questions. Over the last few years, the IAG community has agreed to work together within the framework of GGOS for a common purpose of strengthening the integrated geodesy program to support the user community. In a sense, GGOS should greatly strengthen the integrated activity of the IAG community to the outside world. A wide range of Earth observation applications relying on geodesy will be coordinated in the future by international organizations, and GGOS will work to provide the appropriate interface. At the same time, it will be in the interest of the Services to preserve some of their own outside relationships. We are trying to strike the right balance. Several questions have been posed for each Service to discuss at the Retreat: - What is the role the ILRS should and want to play within GGOS? - What individual outside relations does the ILRS want to continue independently of GGOS? - Would the ILRS be ready to implement and adhere to standards agreed upon in GGOS, both as a reaction of internal decisions and outside requirements? - What does the ILRS expect from GGOS, and, in particular, what new functions would ILRS like GGOS to fill? - Where does ILRS see the added value of GGOS? With respect to the GGOS 2020 Strategy process, we need to consider the following questions: - Does ILRS agree with the organizational structure of GGOS as proposed in Chapter 9 (lead author Gerhard Beutler) of the Reference document (attached) or does ILRS have comments and suggestions for improvements? - What are the ILRS thoughts and comments concerning the technical components of GGOS as proposed in Chapter 8 (lead author: Markus Rothacher)? - To which of these components would the ILRS contribute? - Does ILRS find itself appropriately represented and described in the document? With respect to standardization and the GGOS data portal, we would appreciate to get your/ILRS comments on the following aspects: - What would be the appropriate level of standardization needed for a GGOS portal? - Should the data from all services be linked through a common portal? - Should GGOS portal access be limited only to meta data? - Would ILRS as a service be ready to comply to GGOS meta data standards to be delivered by the service with each product? - Should there be a common layout of web-pages for all the services contributing to GGOS? It is hoped that these question will contribute to a constructive discussion at the Retreat and thus continue the positive development that we have had under GGOS to date, and lead to a stronger, integrated geodetic community to support science and society. We need your thoughts and inputs in response to these questions so we can discuss them at the Retreat. Mike Pearlman ( Werner Gurtner ( Dr. Michael R. Pearlman Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 60 Garden St. Cambridge MA 02138 tel. (617) 495-7481 fax. (617) 496-0121 e-mail. From: Carey Noll ********************************************************************************