Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1538: 2007 Joint Assembly: G07: The Global Geodetic Observing System: From: Hans-Peter Plag > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2007-02-24 16:01:00 UTC Message No. 1538 ******************************************************************************** Author: Hans-Peter Plag Subject: 2007 Joint Assembly: G07: The Global Geodetic Observing System: Dear Colleagues, only a few days are left to submit abstracts for the 2007 Joint Assembly of AGU and a number of other Earth Science organizations to be held on 22-25 May 2007 in Acapulco, Mexico. Therefore, we would like to bring to your attention Session G07: ”The Global Geodetic Observing System: Providing Constraints on Mass Movements in the Earth System” (see Changes in the Earth´s shape, gravity field and rotation are inherently related to mass transport in the fluid envelop of the Earth system and the interior of the solid Earth. Traditionally, observations of these changes have been interpreted independently and inverted for mass changes particularly in the hydrosphere. Recently, attempts have been made to interpret observations of two of the quantities simultaneously. However, at the accuracy level of 1 parts per billion or better, interactions between the Earth components (atmosphere, ocean, and solid Earth) as well as the three quantities (e.g. coupling of rotation and deformation) are relevant and an integrated theory consistent across the three geodetic quantities is required in order to process the observations, model the observed changes, and invert for model parameters describing the mass transport. We invite papers addressing progress towards integrated data analysis, modeling and interpretation of observations of the changes in Earth´s shape, gravity field, and rotation on temporal scales ranging from free oscillations, Earth tides, meteorological and climatological processes to glacial loading, and on spatial scales from local to global studies. Aspects of particular interest are the combined processing of observations (e.g. gravity and displacements), improved forward modeling with Earth system models, and joint inversion of observations (e.g. displacements and rotation changes). If you are working in these broad fields then we are looking forward to hear about your results. Abstract submission deadline is March 1, 2007. Information on abstract submission is available at We are looking forward to seeing you in Acapulco. The Conveners Hans-Peter Plag, Richard Gross, Markus Rothacher Hans-Peter Plag ( Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology and Seismological Laboratory, University of Nevada, Reno Reno, USA Richard Gross ( Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, USA Markus Rothacher ( GeoForschungZentrum Potsdam Potsdam, Germany From: Hans-Peter Plag ********************************************************************************