Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1539: SLR tracking of ETS-8 From: Ryo Nakamura, JAXA ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2007-03-06 08:50:00 UTC Message No. 1539 ******************************************************************************** Author: Ryo Nakamura, JAXA Subject: SLR tracking of ETS-8 Dear WPLTN Colleagues, JAXA launched a geosynchronous satellite, ETS-8, in last December. ETS-8 carries a Laser Retro-reflector Array for the precise orbit determination in the High Accuracy Clock (HAC) experiment. Because of its orbit, only selected stations in the ILRS network can track the ETS-8. Now we are checking the onboard equipments. =20 HAC experiment will start in April and we want you to track this satellite by SLR. We will provide the CPF of the ETS-8 to CDDIS regularly (once per every two weeks) after HAC experiment starts. Before this SLR tracking, we will conduct a preliminary test and provide the CPF to CDDIS several times from 9th March, 2007, 13:00(UT). We would like as many stations as possible to get the CPF and try SLR tracking for the ETS-8. If you would track the ETS-8, please contact me.=20 The Tracking Standards are available at We look forward to your response. Best regards, =20 Nakamura. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Precise Orbit Measurement in Fight Dynamics Division, Consolidated Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Department Office of Space Flight and Operation Ryo Nakamura=A1=A4Mr. TEL=A1=A7+81-29-868-2616 FAX=A1=A7+81-29-868-2990 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ---1149172827-1615489241-1173167370=:27038-- From: ********************************************************************************