Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1572: 7838 SISL System Failure From: Yoshihiro MATSUMOTO (Japan Coast Guard) > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2007-06-22 12:08:00 UTC Message No. 1572 ******************************************************************************** Author: Yoshihiro MATSUMOTO (Japan Coast Guard) Subject: 7838 SISL System Failure Dear Colleagues, This is to announce a system failure of Simosato station. Due to a breakdown of the laser control unit, we have not been able to track satellites since June 6, 2007. The recovery period has not been decided yet, as we need large repairs on it. It may be halted through the end of this year at least. When Simosato station resumes normal operation, we will inform you. Best Regards, Yoshihiro MATSUMOTO, JCG From: SGS ********************************************************************************