Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1584: CODE CPFs provide GNSS reflector offsets From: Claudia Flohrer > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2007-08-09 15:17:00 UTC Message No. 1584 ******************************************************************************** Author: Claudia Flohrer Subject: CODE CPFs provide GNSS reflector offsets Dear colleagues, please note that the CODE CPF files for GNSS satellites provide the retroreflector offset in z-direction (pointing to the geocenter) as header information - record type H5, as of now. The z-offset values are about 0.7m for GPS and about 1.9m for GLONASS, and thus larger than the accuracy of the orbit predictions, which is at the level of 0.2-0.5m for the first prediction day. Best regards, Claudia Flohrer -- ________________________________________________________________________ Claudia Flohrer phone: +41-31-631 38 92 Astronomical Institute fax: +41-31-631 38 69 University of Bern e-mail: Sidlerstrasse 5 web: CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland ftp: ________________________________________________________________________ From: Claudia Flohrer ********************************************************************************