Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1590: GEO/GGOS Workshop: GGOS Contribution to GEOSS and Geohazards From: Hans-Peter Plag > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2007-08-22 01:35:00 UTC Message No. 1590 ******************************************************************************** Author: Hans-Peter Plag Subject: GEO/GGOS Workshop: GGOS Contribution to GEOSS and Geohazards Subject: GEO/GGOS Workshop: The GGOS Contribution to GEOSS and an Subject: GEO/GGOS Workshop: The GGOS Contribution to GEOSS and an Observing System for Geohazards and Disaster Prevention Dear Colleagues, on behalf of the Program Committee I would like to bring to your attention/remind you of the GEO/GGOS Workshop ”The GGOS Contribution to GEOSS and an Observing System for Geohazards and Disaster Prevention”, which is organized by the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). This Workshop will take place on November 5-6, 2007 in Frascati, Italy as a contribution to the International Geohazards Week, which is hosted by the European Space Agency at the ESRIN Facility. The official web page of the International Geohazards Week is at, and abstract submission, registration, and hotel reservation can be made through this page. Please, note that the deadline for abstract submission is already August 31, 2007. The GGOS Workshop is intended as an outreach activity of GGOS to both the space agencies and users. The Workshop will discuss the current and future contributions of GGOS to Earth observations and, in particular, an observing system for geohazards applications. The Workshop will be organized to help facilitate the communication between scientific user communities and those who will provide the geodetic products. Representatives of major space agencies as well as GEO representatives will participate and present their views on GGOS. The Workshop has three main sessions: Session 1: Observing changes in Earth´s shape, rotation and gravity field with an integrated observing system Session 2: Understanding the Earth system: The contribution of GGOS Session 3: GGOS and Geohazards More information on the focus of these sessions and the draft program is available at We invite you to participate in this workshop and to submit an abstract related to the topics of the three sessions. Although most of the oral presentations are by invitation, there will be room for contributed oral presentations and posters. The success of the Workshop as an outreach and linkage activity to the space agencies and the geohazards community depends on the active contribution of the IAG community to this event. We are therefore looking forward to see you at the Workshop. Best regards Hans-Peter Plag for the Workshop Program Committee ”/DGFI3/home/slrmail/mbox” complete From: Hans-Peter Plag ********************************************************************************