Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1594: Session 6, Grasse ILRS Workshop: Counter performance From: Graham Appleby and Erricos Pavlis > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2007-08-28 16:52:00 UTC Message No. 1594 ******************************************************************************** Author: Graham Appleby and Erricos Pavlis Subject: Session 6, Grasse ILRS Workshop: Counter performance Dear colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention the session we are organizing during the upcoming ILRS Fall Workshop, 25-28 September 2007, in Grasse, France: Session 6: Counters performance and calibrations - Upcoming Event Timers The scope of the session is to examine the performance of currently deployed event time/time-of-flight hardware within the ILRS network and the results of various calibration efforts that are ongoing to improve those performances. We would like to focus on the effect of such results on the reduction of SLR data and on the resulting products. We are also interested in any new developments, whether in the form of new counters, new calibration procedures and new results for past and presently operating systems. We invite you to submit presentations that examine the quality, performance and stability of previously and currently deployed systems and the improvements we can expect from the adoption of new systems that are now or will be available in the near future. Please, focus your presentations on the key-points so that we can allow more time for discussion and exchange of ideas from the audience. Please send a short abstract to the session chairs: Graham Appleby Erricos C. Pavlis -- This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system. ”/DGFI3/home/slrmail/mbox” complete From: ”Graham Appleby” ********************************************************************************