Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 1770: MLRO back into operation From: Giuseppe Bianco, ASI/MLRO, Matera, Italy > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2009-05-09 00:47:00 UTC Message No. 1770 ******************************************************************************** Author: Giuseppe Bianco, ASI/MLRO, Matera, Italy Subject: MLRO back into operation Dear colleagues, the MLRO system is operational again after the repair which took much longer than expected, due to unexpected delays generated by the export license. Best regards Pippo ___________________ Dr. Giuseppe Bianco Acting Director, Earth Observation Department Responsabile p.t., Unità Osservazione della Terra Agenzia Spaziale Italiana phone: +39-0835-377209 +39-06-8567419 mobile: +39-320-8579369 e.mail: From: ”Bianco Giuseppe” ********************************************************************************