Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2052: Earth Rotation Session at AOGS-AGU (WPGM) From: Gross, Richard S (335N) ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2012-03-03 10:52:22 UTC Message No. 2052 ******************************************************************************** Author: Richard Gross Dear Colleagues - There will be an Earth rotation session at the AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly that will be held in Singapore during August 13-17, 2012. The description of the session is given below. On behalf of the conveners I would like to draw your attention to this session and encourage you to participate in it. We are developing a rich session that will provide a forum for discussing the exciting developments in Earth rotation measurement systems, theory, and analysis that are currently underway. We hope that you will be able to join us in Singapore for this session. More information about the AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly can be obtained from its web site at . Please note that the abstract submission deadline is March 12, 2012. Hope to see you in Singapore! Best regards, Richard .......................................................... SE93: Earth Rotation in the 21st Century A revolution in Earth rotation studies is underway in the 21st Century. Current generation measurement systems are providing Earth rotation measurements of unprecedented accuracy and next generation systems currently being developed and implemented promise to deliver measurements of even higher accuracy. The theory of the Earth´s rotation is being extended in order to interpret these highly accurate measurements, more accurate models of the mass transport within the global geophysical fluids of the Earth are being developed, and complementary measurements from other observing systems such as GRACE have become available. This session will be a forum for discussing these and other aspects of the ongoing revolution in Earth rotation studies. Conveners: Richard Gross Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States Prof. Benjamin Chao Academia Sinica, Taiwan Dr. Jianli Chen University of Texas Center for Space Research, United States ........................... ********************************************************************************