Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2374: New ILRS Mission Support Request Form From: ”Noll, Carey E. (GSFC-6901)” Author: Carey Noll/ILRS Central Bureau Under the direction of the ILRS Missions Standing Committee (Toshi Otsubo and Scott Wetzel) and the ILRS Central Bureau, a new version of the ILRS Mission Support Request form has been formulated and posted on the ILRS website: This new form, available in Adobe PDF forms format, provides an improved method for obtaining the information required by the ILRS to support future missions. The form is easier to fill out and read; some additional questions have been added while obsolete, previously requested information has been removed. We encourage our mission colleagues to take a look at the new form and use it the next time support for a new mission is required! Thanks to Toshi, Scott, the MSC, and the ILRS CB for their work on and reviews of the new MSR form. Regards, Carey. ----- Ms. Carey Noll Manager, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) Secretary, ILRS Central Bureau Associate Director, GGOS Bureau for Networks and Observations NASA GSFC Code 690.1 Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA E-mail: Voice: (301) 614-6542 Fax: (301) 614-6015 WWW: