Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2401: Session on Co-locations and other intra- and inter-technique calibrations at the 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging From: Ulrich Schreiber Dear colleagues, as you know, the Twentieth International Workshop on Laser Ranging will be held at GFZ on October 10 - 14. The Workshop portal can be found at:? ? On behalf of the program committee we are encouraging contributions for the session: Co-locations and other intra- and inter-technique calibrations The space geodetic techniques, namely SLR, VLBI and GNSS provide important input to the celestial and the terrestrial reference frame. Over the years all the different measurement techniques have improved the precision of their measurements significantly. In SLR we usually talk about a measurement resolution of several mm. However, despite all progress for the improvement of the respective measurement techniques, systematic errors still remain persistently. Discrepancies between ground surveys and technique derived positions are one source of evidence of these shortcomings. In this session we focus on concepts and strategies that aim at the identification and elimination of systematic errors in our techniques. How can we identify and remove system biases? How can we exploit intra-technique co-location and how can we utilize inter-technic comparisons? Can we obtain additional benefits from utilizing a delay compensated time and frequency distribution? Where are sources of asymmetry between satellite ranging and ground target measurements - i.e. the difference between near- and far- field ranging? Please submit your contribution to the workshop portal listed above. Kind regards, Jim Long, Johann Eckl and Ulrich Schreiber Session chairs: Co-locations and other intra- and inter-technique calibrations

Dear colleagues,

as you know, the Twentieth International Workshop on Laser Ranging will be held at GFZ on October 10 - 14. The Workshop portal can be found at:?


On behalf of the program committee we are encouraging contributions for the session: Co-locations and other intra- and inter-technique calibrations
The space geodetic techniques, namely SLR, VLBI and GNSS provide important input to the celestial and the terrestrial reference frame. Over the years 
all the different measurement techniques have improved the precision of their measurements significantly. In SLR we usually talk about a measurement resolution
of several mm. However, despite all progress for the improvement of the respective measurement techniques, systematic errors still remain persistently. Discrepancies
between ground surveys and technique derived positions are one source of evidence of these shortcomings. In this session we focus on concepts and strategies that 
aim at the identification and elimination of systematic errors in our techniques. How can we identify and remove system biases? How can we exploit intra-technique co-location
and how can we utilize inter-technic comparisons? Can we obtain additional benefits from utilizing a delay compensated time and frequency distribution? Where are sources of
asymmetry between satellite ranging and ground target measurements - i.e. the difference between near- and far- field ranging?   

 Please submit your contribution to the workshop portal listed above. 

Kind regards, Jim Long, Johann Eckl and Ulrich Schreiber
Session chairs: Co-locations and other intra- and inter-technique calibrations