Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2482: [IGSMAIL-7569] REFAG2018 Abstract Deadline February 9 From: Zuheir Altamimi REFAG2018 Symposium and Panel on Satellite Dynamics Meeting,

Hosted at COSPAR 2018, 42nd Scientific Assembly

July 14-22, 2018, Pasadena, California, USA

Dear Colleagues,

As you may be aware, February 8 is the abstract deadline for the REFAG2018 Symposium (”Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences”) to be held at the COSPAR 2018, 42nd Scientific Assembly, from July 15-21 in Pasadena, California, USA, as COSPAR Scientific Event B1.2, officially co-sponsored by the International Association of Geodesy.
The REFAG2018 Symposium description posted at is copied below.

We anticipate having 6 half-daily sessions during the week assuming participation is similar to the level of previous REFAG Symposia (held every 4 years). In addition, 4 half-daily sessions at COSPAR2018 are anticipated for the Panel on Satellite Dynamics Meeting (COSPAR Scientific Event PSD.1).

Note that in this four-year cycle of IAG´s structure, IAG Commission 1 on ”Reference Frames” is now addressing a very broad variety of topics related to reference frames, including (for example) relativistic geodesy, co-location using common parameters in space, co-location using clocks and new sensors, troposphere ties, next generation reference frames, environmental loading effects, etc. We therefore would especially encourage abstract submission from all of you working with Commission 1, including the many subcommissions and their working groups, joint study groups, and joint working groups.
Abstracts relating to reference frames are welcome from all researchers irrespective of IAG affiliation.

Please find more information on IAG Commission 1 at

Thank you for considering your participation in Pasadena in July. Note that COSPAR is hosted by Caltech and NASA´s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and provides a great opportunity to visit colleagues at both institutions.

(With apologies for cross-posting)

Geoffrey Blewitt, Johannes Bhm, Zuheir Altamimi, and Urs Hugentobler
REFAG2018 Scientific Organizing Committee


Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2018) continues the quadrennial series of symposia of IAG Commission 1 Reference Frames, which is identical to COSPAR Sub-Commission B2 International Coordination of Space Techniques for Geodesy. Reference systems and frames are of primary importance for research in the geosciences, satellite orbit determination, precision navigation, as well as for practical applications in geo-information. For the geosciences, precisely defined reference frames are needed for an improved understanding of the Earth´s rotation and its gravity field, geocenter motion, glacial isostatic adjustment, surface loading deformation and global redistribution of water, sea level change with time, tectonic plate motion and plate boundary deformation, the earthquake cycle, and other crustal displacements. We solicit presentations dealing with theoretical aspects and the practical realization of reference frames, as well as their applications in the geosciences. Further emphases of the session are on global terrestrial and regional reference frames, celestial reference frames, and the co-location of space geodetic techniques on ground and in space. Additionally, we encourage scientific reports from the many dedicated participants of IAG Commission 1, its sub-commissions, and associated working groups.
