Subject: [SLR-Mail] No.2692: G2.2 session on ITRF at vEGU2021 - abstract submission deadline extension to Wednesday, 20 January at 13:00 CET From: Kristel Chanard Dear Colleagues, The next General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union will be held online, 19 - 30 April 2021. * * * WE WOULD LIKE TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE SESSION: ”” AND ENCOURAGE YOU TO SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT TO THIS SESSION. * * * The goal of this session is to provide a forum to discuss reference systems theory, data analysis improvement, realization and applications in geosciences and society, with a special emphasis on the scientific applications of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), and namely its next release, the ITRF2020. Participants can discuss concerns not only related to the contributing technique services, but also all ITRF uses, ranging from local, regional to global applications. Contributions are sought from the individual technique services and various ITRF users, covering the complete range of topics, such as data analysis, parameter estimation and correction models. Of special interest is the assessment of the impact of non-linear station motions, e.g. periodic signals and post-seismic deformations. Contributions by the technique services related to the preparation for ITRF2020 focusing especially on identifying and mitigating technique systematic errors are highly appreciated. Contributions on local tie survey methodology are also welcome. NOTE THAT THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT EGU2021 ABSTRACTS HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO WEDNESDAY, 20 JANUARY AT 13:00 CET Best regards, Kristel Chanard On behalf of the G.2.2 conveners, Claudio Abbondanza, Mathis Blofeld et Susanne Glaser.

Dear Colleagues,

The next General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union will be held online, 19 - 30 April 2021.
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We would like to draw your attention to the session: ”G.2.2: The International Terrestrial Reference Frame: Data analysis improvement, Usage and Applications” and encourage you to submit an abstract to this session.
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The goal of this session is to provide a forum to discuss reference systems theory, data analysis improvement, realization and applications in geosciences and society, with a special emphasis on the scientific applications of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), and namely its next release, the ITRF2020. Participants can discuss concerns not only related to the contributing technique services, but also all ITRF uses, ranging from local, regional to global applications. Contributions are sought from the individual technique services and various ITRF users, covering the complete range of topics, such as data analysis, parameter estimation and correction models. Of special interest is the assessment of the impact of non-linear station motions, e.g. periodic signals and post-seismic deformations. Contributions by the technique services related to the preparation for ITRF2020 focusing especially on identifying and mitigating technique systematic errors are highly appreciated. Contributions on local tie survey methodology are also welcome.

Note that the deadline to submit EGU2021 abstracts has been extended to Wednesday, 20 January at 13:00 CET

Best regards,
Kristel Chanard
On behalf of the G.2.2 conveners, Claudio Abbondanza, Mathis Bloßfeld et Susanne Glaser.