70900513 2024 151 06:30 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable replaced 70900513 2024 151 06:30 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable replaced 70900513 2024 043 05:00 2 06.01 MCP voltage now -3400V for calibration and pass 70900513 2024 043 05:00 2 06.02 MCP voltage now -3400V @night -3200V@day for calibration and pass 70900513 2023 349 03:05 2 12.01.02 New paroscientific met4 unit and cable installed 70900513 2023 294 03:00 2 06.01 New ARSU installed with non-bypassed amplifier 70900513 2023 294 03:00 2 06.02 New ARSU installed with non-bypassed amplifier 70900513 2023 266 07:00 2 12.01.02 MET4 comms errors, SLR MET4 removed and manually inputting meteorological data from the VLBI MET4 70900513 2023 256 08:00 2 05.01 Laser now running full power - parasitic lasing eliminated 70900513 2023 206 02:00 2 10.03 New data processor PC installed 70900513 2023 205 04:00 2 09.01 GPS antenna splitter installed so XL-DC and CNS1 clock share common antenna 70900513 2023 205 04:00 2 09.02 GPS antenna splitter installed so XL-DC and CNS1 clock share common antenna 70900513 2023 172 08:15 2 09.01.01 1pps signal from prime XL-DC splitter removed providing more stable pulse to LRC and system 70900513 2023 139 00:00 2 05.01 Laser problems associated with pu430 amplfier power unit - ongoing 70900513 2023 138 02:00 2 05.01 oscillator flash lamps changed 70900513 2023 135 04:00 2 05.01 Amplifier flash lamps changed 70900513 2023 087 19:00 2 06.01 Heavy downpour (wet MCP?) increased system delay by 100-200pS for approx 24 hours 70900513 2023 087 19:00 2 06.02 Heavy downpour (wet MCP?) increased system delay by 100-200pS for approx 24 hours 70900513 2023 017 06:30 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable replaced 70900513 2023 017 06:30 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable replaced 70900513 2022 324 00:00 2 06.01 MCP voltage now 3200V-calibration ; 3200-3400V satellite 70900513 2022 324 00:00 2 06.02 MCP voltage now 3200V-calibration ; 3200V satellite daytime-3400-3700V night 70900513 2022 263 19:00 2 05.01 laser amplifier flashlamps changed 70900513 2022 104 08:00 2 10.03 New CRDv2 hpldp(v9.11.3) and gnp(v2.8.3) installed. CRD v1&v2 data supplied in parallel 70900513 2022 081 08:00 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable replaced 70900513 2022 081 08:00 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable replaced 70900513 2022 066 03:00 2 06.01 Jump in system delay when airconditioner maintenance performed in console area 70900513 2022 066 03:00 2 06.02 Jump in system delay when airconditioner maintenance performed in console area 70900513 2021 347 12:00 2 04.01 Star calibration performed to correct -0.020 degree offset in azimuth 70900513 2021 343 19:00 2 04.01 Telescope mount driven hard into and through hard limits - azimuth became offset by ~-0.02 degrees 70900513 2021 140 09:30 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable replaced ( 2801RN vs 2801RW) 70900513 2021 140 09:30 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable replaced ( 2801RN vs 2801RW) 70900513 2021 101 13:00 2 03.19 Category 3 cyclone impacted site - some slight change in eccentricities possible 70900513 2020 357 06:30 2 06.01 MCP standard voltage now -3400V 70900513 2020 357 06:30 2 06.02 MCP standard voltage now -3400V at night; -3200V during day 70900513 2020 283 05:30 2 05.02 PD-10 Start Diode cable upgraded to low loss type vs RG214 70900513 2020 267 08:00 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2020 267 08:00 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2020 197 00:00 2 05.01 PD-10 start diode back on battery power 70900513 2020 196 00:00 2 06.01 Receive combiners remounted - new start and stop cables 70900513 2020 196 00:00 2 06.02 Receive combiners remounted - new start and stop cables 70900513 2020 153 00:00 2 06.01 MCP standard voltage now -3200V 70900513 2020 153 00:00 2 06.02 MCP standard voltage now -3200V 70900513 2020 143 10:00 2 05.01 PD-10 start diode power source swapped from battery to mains supply - NIL batteries 70900513 2020 126 00:00 2 06.01.04 Event Timer now reset 3-4 times per day vs once to ensure precision <=2 70900513 2020 126 00:00 2 06.02.04 Event Timer now reset 3-4 times per day vs once to ensure precision <=2 70900513 2020 018 00:00 2 07.01 Default laser rep rate for Etalon and Glonass now 5pps vs 4pps 70900513 2019 321 07:00 2 09.01 Timing rack powered down during mains outage 70900513 2019 321 07:00 2 09.02 Timing rack powered down during mains outage 70900513 2019 174 04:00 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2019 174 04:00 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2019 135 08:38 2 05.01 Laser amplifier flashlamps changed 70900513 2019 127 14:00 2 09.02.01 Event Timer 1pps input direct from LRC (bypasses Event Timer Computer) 70900513 2019 080 06:00 0 09.02.01 CNS-I reference clock swapped out for upgraded unit 70900513 2018 354 04:00 2 09.01.01 XL-DC units swapped - 99173237 out; 994912244 in 70900513 2018 240 07:00 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2018 240 07:00 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2017 254 13:00 2 06.01 Event Timer Cybi_ETM-02 sn 011 prime CF incremented to 6 70900513 2017 254 13:00 2 06.02 Event Timer Cybi_ETM-02 sn 011 prime CF incremented to 6 70900513 2017 072 04:00 2 06.01 MCP changed: sn108507 removed sn128801 installed 70900513 2017 072 04:00 2 06.02 MCP changed: sn108507 removed sn128801 installed 70900513 2017 028 11:00 2 05.01 Amplifier flash lamps changed 70900513 2016 321 07:00 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2016 321 07:00 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2016 234 08:00 2 05.01 Oscillator flash lamps changed 70900513 2016 230 07:00 0 05.01 transmit telescope dried out and rebuilt 70900513 2016 064 08:00 0 09.02.01 1PPS station UTC reference now derived from XL-DC and LRC. TCG removed 70900513 2016 053 08:00 0 06.01 LRC circuit board replaced 70900513 2016 053 08:00 0 06.02 LRC circuit board replaced 70900513 2015 330 05:55 2 06.01 TIU Optimization performed - Start -0.30V Stop -0.25V 70900513 2015 330 05:55 2 06.02 TIU Optimization performed - Start -0.30V Stop -0.25V 70900513 2015 330 05:54 2 06.01 HP5370B modified - input termination resistors soldered in 70900513 2015 330 05:54 2 06.02 HP5370B modified - input termination resistors soldered in 70900513 2015 295 15:00 2 06.01 HP5370B (sn2438A01106) replaced with HP5370B (sn2740A02007) 70900513 2015 295 15:00 2 06.02 HP5370B (sn2438A01106) replaced with HP5370B (sn2740A02007) 70900513 2015 213 04:15 2 06.01 TIU Optimization performed 70900513 2015 213 04:15 2 06.02 TIU Optimization performed 70900513 2015 213 04:00 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2015 213 04:00 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2015 193 06:00 2 06.01 CFD Alignment to suit ITT F4129 MCP - chn4 delay cable=119mm z=-5.7mV 70900513 2015 105 06:15 2 06.01 TIU Optimization performed 70900513 2015 105 06:15 2 06.02 TIU Optimization performed 70900513 2015 082 05:00 2 06.01.01 ITT F4129 MCP reinstalled 70900513 2015 082 05:00 2 06.02.01 ITT F4129 MCP reinstalled 70900513 2015 082 04:40 2 06.01.02 Photek 318SA MCP removed due to degradation 70900513 2015 082 04:40 2 06.02.02 Photek 318SA MCP removed due to degradation 70900513 2015 055 05:00 0 11.01 Aircraft safety radar removed for repair - tuning errors 70900513 2015 051 06:27 1 09.01.01 XL-DC Rubidium now prime for SLR 70900513 2015 051 06:00 3 09.01.02 Jump noticed in station time - occurred sometime after 00:30 70900513 2015 051 06:00 3 09.01.02 Maser reference signals degraded at SLR van 70900513 2015 050 04:00 0 09.02.01 GPS time (IRIG-B) for servo pc now on XL-DC (Rb) 70900513 2015 007 03:00 0 09.01.02 Extra insulation added to Maser room 70900513 2014 354 00:00 1 10.03 Correct NORAD number now inserted into frd and crd headers 70900513 2014 348 07:40 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2014 348 07:40 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2014 323 04:00 1 07.01 Minimum tracking elevation reduced to 10 degrees 70900513 2014 323 02:00 0 11.01 Aircraft safety radar performance validated down to 10 degrees elevation 70900513 2014 192 04:00 0 11.01 Aircraft safety radar returned to service after rebuild 70900513 2014 171 04:00 0 04.01 Elevation tachometer replaced 70900513 2014 129 07:00 2 06.01 TIU Optimization performed 70900513 2014 129 07:00 2 06.02 TIU Optimization performed 70900513 2014 129 04:00 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced (3.2nS short) 70900513 2014 129 04:00 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced (3.2nS short) 70900513 2014 129 00:36 1 09.01.01 -1.1uS time step on (TCG) station time 70900513 2014 097 06:20 2 09.01.01 TIU external reference on Maser 10Mhz 70900513 2014 097 03:30 1 12.01.02 MET4 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2014 097 03:30 1 12.02.02 MET4 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2014 097 03:30 1 12.03.02 MET4 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2014 061 04:00 1 07.01 Minimum tracking elevation reduced to 14 degrees 70900513 2014 052 07:15 2 09.01.01 TIU external reference on XL-DC (Rubidium) 10Mhz 70900513 2014 050 07:00 2 05.01 PD-10 Start diode back on internal battery supply 70900513 2014 036 02:00 2 05.01 PD-10 Start diode on external power supply 70900513 2014 031 00:12 1 09.01.01 -1uS time step on (TCG) station time 70900513 2014 017 04:40 1 06.01 TIU Optimization performed 70900513 2014 017 04:40 1 06.02 TIU Optimization performed 70900513 2014 016 04:00 1 05.01 Laser start pulse adjusted from -3V down to -1.5V 70900513 2013 225 03:10 0 04.01 Servo amplifiers repaired - station green 70900513 2013 224 11:00 0 04.01 Servo amplifiers failed - station red 70900513 2013 217 09:20 0 04.01 Servo amplifiers repaired - station green 70900513 2013 215 09:00 1 05.01 New oven controlled second harmonic generator installed 70900513 2013 208 18:15 0 04.01 Servo amplifiers failed - station red 70900513 2013 118 08:00 1 05.01 Oscillator flash lamps changed 70900513 2013 094 09:00 1 04.01 ITT az and el encoder mod done 70900513 2013 042 02:00 1 06.01 Receive Integrator aligned 70900513 2013 042 02:00 1 06.02 Receive Integrator aligned 70900513 2013 004 00:30 2 06.01.02 Replacement Photek 318SA MCP (sn 42101112) installed 70900513 2013 004 00:30 2 06.02.02 Replacement Photek 318SA MCP (sn 42101112) installed 70900513 2012 361 13:30 2 06.01.02 Photek 318SA MCP failed 70900513 2012 361 13:30 2 06.02.02 Photek 318SA MCP failed 70900513 2012 306 02:00 2 99 Workshop and stores vans moved away from SLR vans 70900513 2012 258 00:10 1 09.01.01 XL-DC Rubidium now standby/backup for SLR and LRO 70900513 2012 258 00:10 2 09.01.02 Maser stable - now prime for SLR and LRO 70900513 2012 252 08:00 2 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2012 252 08:00 2 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2012 252 02:00 2 10.03 New generic normal point software - gnp (v2.7.4) 70900513 2012 248 19:48 2 09.01.01 XL-DC Rubidium now prime for SLR and LRO 70900513 2012 248 19:40 2 09.01.02 Maser unlock errors 70900513 2012 240 00:00 0 11.01 Aircraft safety radar failed 70900513 2011 302 09:00 1 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2011 302 09:00 1 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2011 196 06:00 2 05.01 Laser amplifier flash lamps replaced 70900513 2011 141 03:02 1 12.01.02 MET4 installed 70900513 2011 141 03:02 1 12.02.02 MET4 installed 70900513 2011 141 03:02 1 12.03.02 MET4 installed 70900513 2011 141 03:00 1 12.01.01 MET3 removed 70900513 2011 141 03:00 1 12.02.01 MET3 removed 70900513 2011 141 03:00 1 12.03.01 MET3 removed 70900513 2010 270 05:30 1 04.01 New version of monitor (v5.3) installed on servo controller pc 70900513 2010 249 09:15 1 12.01.01 MET3 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2010 249 09:15 1 12.02.01 MET3 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2010 249 09:15 1 12.03.01 MET3 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2010 154 19:45 2 04.01 New version of sattrk (v7.10) installed on servo controller pc 70900513 2010 135 14:00 2 09.01.02 Maser prime ref for slr 70900513 2010 135 09:28 2 09.01.01 XL-DC Rubidium failed 70900513 2010 122 00:00 2 05.01 Laser amplifier flash lamps replaced, laser aligned 70900513 2010 075 07:00 2 10.03 New generic normal point software - gnp (v2.7.3) - crd version, installed 70900513 2010 067 19:00 1 04.01 New version of monitor (v5.2) installed on servo controller pc 70900513 2009 349 09:00 2 09.01.01 Replacement XL-DC Rubidium installed 70900513 2009 289 09:00 1 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2009 289 09:00 1 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2009 271 19:00 1 99 New 10pps LRC installed. 70900513 2009 247 19:00 2 04.01 New servo controller software installed sattrk (v6.00) & monitor (v5.01) 70900513 2009 184 03:00 2 05.01 New saturable absorber, pulse slicer and laser table 70900513 2009 147 06:20 2 06.01.02 Photek 318SA MCP,new cfd (sn266) and new quad integrator installed 70900513 2009 147 06:20 2 06.02.02 Photek 318SA MCP installed 70900513 2009 145 00:00 2 10.02 New slr data processor pc installed (DELL Precision 390)new gnp (v2.6.5) 70900513 2008 097 00:00 2 04.01 New servo controller pc installed (DELL Precision 380) sattrk (v5.01) 70900513 2007 300 16:00 1 06.01 Receive integrator aligned 70900513 2007 300 16:00 1 06.02 Receive integrator aligned 70900513 2007 289 07:00 1 06.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2007 289 07:00 1 06.02 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2007 286 00:00 1 06.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2007 286 00:00 1 06.02 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2007 261 09:00 2 04.01 New zero look ahead bias SATTRK (v4.1?) installed 70900513 2007 059 10:00 2 10.02 New cpf version of HPLDP installed 70900513 2006 351 14:00 1 06.01.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2006 351 14:00 1 06.02.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 2006 347 06:00 2 10.02 New generic normal point software - gnp (v2.6) installed 70900513 2006 226 00:00 2 04.01 Crack in 75cm corrector plate 70900513 2006 209 06:20 1 12.01.01 MET3 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2006 209 06:20 1 12.02.01 MET3 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2006 209 06:20 1 12.03.01 MET3 replaced - calibration cycle 70900513 2006 160 09:00 2 10.02 New Python NP processing scripts installed 70900513 2006 138 18:00 2 04.01 Restricted tracking software (monitor & sattrk) installed 70900513 2006 002 07:00 1 06.01.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2006 002 07:00 1 06.02.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2005 358 04:00 1 06.01.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2005 358 04:00 1 06.02.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2005 325 09:00 1 04.01 Daylight Filter replaced 70900513 2004 051 09:00 1 06.01.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2004 051 09:00 1 06.02.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2004 047 08:00 1 06.01.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2004 047 08:00 1 06.02.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2003 313 00:00 1 06.01.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2003 313 00:00 1 06.02.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2003 294 08:00 1 05.01 Oscillator flash lamps changed 70900513 2003 272 16:00 1 06.01.01 New MCP HV power supply (SRS-350) installed 70900513 2003 272 16:00 1 06.02.01 New MCP HV power supply (SRS-350) installed 70900513 2003 261 16:20 2 09.01.01 Replacement XL-DC Rubidium installed 70900513 2003 219 07:00 1 04.01 Keyhole software installed on servo controller pc 70900513 2003 171 16:00 1 99 New LRC drawer installed 70900513 2003 161 12:00 1 06.01.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2003 161 12:00 1 06.02.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2003 137 22:00 2 06.01.01 TIU 5370A replaced with 5370B 70900513 2003 131 11:00 2 06.01.01 TIU 5370B replaced with spare 5370A 70900513 2002 200 15:00 1 05.01 New CB631 installed 70900513 2002 167 04:00 1 05.01 Spare CB430 installed in place of failed CB631 70900513 2002 070 11:25 2 10.01 Laser data processing software (v 1.3 inc gnp 2.5.2F) installed on ppc 70900513 2002 009 08:00 1 06.01.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2002 009 08:00 1 06.02.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2001 364 07:00 1 06.01.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2001 364 07:00 1 06.02.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2001 323 00:00 1 07.01 Minimum tracking elevation lowered from 20 to 16 degrees 70900513 2001 310 03:00 1 05.01 Oscillator flash lamps changed 70900513 2001 271 04:00 1 06.01.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2001 271 04:00 1 06.02.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) installed 70900513 2001 246 04:00 1 06.01.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2001 246 04:00 1 06.02.01 Spare receive cable (RG214) installed 70900513 2001 145 23:30 1 09.01.01 Replacement TrueTime XL-DC Rb (sn237) installed 70900513 2000 293 02:40 1 04.01 40pps interrupt upgrade to servo controller computer 70900513 2000 292 08:12 2 09.01.01 New XL-DC installed as prime frequency reference 70900513 2000 282 01:12 2 09.01.01 Cesium 0207 prime frequency reference 70900513 2000 281 00:00 2 09.01.01 XL-DC unlocked 70900513 2000 194 20:00 2 10.01 NP processing sofware and hpldp installed 70900513 2000 181 15:00 2 09.01.01 TrueTime XL-DC Rb installed as prime frequency reference 70900513 2000 080 10:00 2 05.01 New 6mm laser oscillator installed 70900513 2000 071 09:20 2 05.01 Laser oscillator failed 70900513 2000 064 01:00 1 12.01.01 MET3 installed 70900513 2000 064 01:00 1 12.02.01 MET3 installed 70900513 2000 064 01:00 1 12.03.01 MET3 installed 70900513 2000 057 08:00 1 04.01 New version of Sattrk installed 70900513 2000 040 00:00 1 04.01 New version of Sattrk installed 70900513 2000 026 19:00 1 10.01 hpldp and decod_uniq replaced 70900513 1999 364 06:00 1 05.01 Oscillator flash lamps changed 70900513 1999 264 00:00 1 04.01 Servo controller software update (Y2K) 70900513 1999 208 12:30 1 04.01 New MCP Iris installed 70900513 1999 167 08:00 2 10.01 NP processor replaced. New GNP software (version 1.93) 70900513 1999 095 13:00 1 09.02.01 CNS-I Clock installed for GPS time reference 70900513 1999 095 04:00 1 06.01.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 1999 095 04:00 1 06.02.01 Low loss receive cable (350 type) replaced 70900513 1998 282 00:00 2 04.01 Telescope secondary mirror reglued 70900513 1998 211 00:00 1 06.02.01 HSLR Upgrade installed 70900513 1998 123 07:30 2 04.01 Telescope secondary detached ( glue failed temp re-attached mechanically) 70900513 1998 065 17:00 2 05.01 Laser oscillator head upgrade (SF611-07 installed) 70900513 1998 027 11:00 2 06.01.01 HP5370B set to correct external 5Mhz reference 70900513 1998 016 10:00 3 06.01.01 HP5370B installed (with incorrect internal 5Mhz ref) 70900513 1998 007 00:10 3 06.01.01 HP5370A failed