h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 2 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 8 1 6 10 2011 2 8 1 10 10 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 4100.0000000 2.6632415395050 std1 2 239.0 267 29.8 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 412.1 6 20 4100.000 722.58 271.39 49 0 40 4100.0000000 0 std1 2743 1627 -1.000 0.0 0.0 4.9 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 29.8 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110208a.r3.s05000.t01.y301.n267 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 8 1 33 0 2011 2 8 1 35 29 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 5645.0000000 2.6657006734708 std1 2 149.0 119 38.2 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 471.7 6 20 5645.000 722.46 271.48 46 0 40 5645.0000000 0 std1 1782 1023 -1.000 0.0 0.0 6.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 38.2 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110208f.r3.s03000.t01.y130.n119 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 8 2 8 11 2011 2 8 2 12 19 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 7830.0000000 2.6696682495809 std1 2 247.0 159 36.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 354.5 6 20 7830.000 722.44 271.33 46 0 40 7830.0000000 0 std1 3013 1779 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.0 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 36.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110208k.r3.s05000.t01.y168.n159 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 8 2 23 15 2011 2 8 2 25 42 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 8700.0000000 2.6713877576681 std1 2 147.0 103 43.9 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 168.1 6 20 8700.000 722.39 271.45 46 0 40 8700.0000000 0 std1 1818 1047 -1.000 0.0 0.0 6.2 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 43.9 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110208n.r3.s03000.t01.y113.n103 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 8 2 39 3 2011 2 8 2 43 12 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 9635.0000000 2.6733126426104 std1 2 248.0 97 41.4 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 173.6 6 20 9635.000 722.31 271.17 47 0 40 9635.0000000 0 std1 2928 1810 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.1 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 41.4 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110208r.r3.s05000.t01.y101.n97 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 13 6 22 53 2011 2 13 6 25 23 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 23060.0000000 2.5288657663641 std1 2 150.0 489 29.4 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 82.8 6 20 23060.000 732.11 276.38 15 0 40 23060.0000000 0 std1 2220 1291 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.8 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 29.4 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110213a.r3.s03000.t01.y722.n489 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 13 6 40 2 2011 2 13 6 42 33 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 24080.0000000 2.5304070627253 std1 2 150.0 611 27.6 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 113.1 6 20 24080.000 732.14 276.28 14 0 40 24080.0000000 0 std1 2373 1442 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.7 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 27.6 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110213f.r3.s03000.t01.y1034.n611 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 13 6 53 31 2011 2 13 6 56 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 24885.0000000 2.5316791445185 std1 2 150.0 910 24.2 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 114.2 6 20 24885.000 732.12 276.10 14 0 40 24885.0000000 0 std1 2517 1455 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 24.2 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110213j.r3.s03000.t01.y1978.n910 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 14 6 20 24 2011 2 14 6 22 56 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 22905.0000000 2.4805609905066 std1 2 151.0 615 26.2 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 126.5 6 20 22905.000 730.63 282.50 16 0 40 22905.0000000 0 std1 2756 1650 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.4 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 26.2 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110214a.r3.s03000.t01.y923.n615 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 14 6 33 31 2011 2 14 6 36 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 23680.0000000 2.4814532055302 std1 2 150.0 827 25.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 133.8 6 20 23680.000 730.68 282.55 16 0 40 23680.0000000 0 std1 2949 1792 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.1 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 25.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110214e.r3.s03000.t01.y1578.n827 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 14 6 49 7 2011 2 14 6 51 38 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 24605.0000000 2.4826054616249 std1 2 150.0 40 127.5 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 16.7 6 20 24605.000 730.64 282.42 16 0 40 24605.0000000 0 std1 2270 1353 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.9 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 127.5 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110214i.r3.s03000.t01.y42.n40 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 14 6 52 25 2011 2 14 6 54 56 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 24845.0000000 2.4829191812131 std1 2 150.0 339 31.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 108.3 6 20 24845.000 730.62 282.35 16 0 40 24845.0000000 0 std1 2519 1423 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.4 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 31.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110214j.r3.s03000.t01.y422.n339 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 h1 CRD 1 2015 4 1 3 h2 APOL 7045 95 1 4 h3 apollo15 103 103 -1 0 2 h4 1 2011 2 14 7 6 23 2011 2 14 7 8 54 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 c0 0 532.0 std1 lpd apd2 orig c1 0 lpd Nd-YAG 1064.00 10.00 100.00 100.0 0.5 1 c2 0 apd2 APD-array 532.000 -1.00 30.0 100.0 ECL -1.0 16.00 90.0 1.4 none c3 0 orig Truetime_XL-DC Truetime-Wenzel_OXCO ACM_CS_PS7186H na 0.0 11 25665.0000000 2.4840343577894 std1 2 150.0 558 28.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 137.2 6 20 25665.000 730.65 282.25 16 0 40 25665.0000000 0 std1 2786 1588 -1.000 0.0 0.0 5.2 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 0 14 50 std1 28.3 -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 1 00 run.refl.shots.thresh.yield.net 110214n.r3.s03000.t01.y788.n558 00 SVN revision 632:643M 00 LUN Gate width 8 00 Run corresponds to longterm offsets date 101107 00 Channel by channel offsets (in ps): 00 52 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 111 0 0 0 -195 -2 0 150 00 No 1st photon bias. No DAC correction. Correlation result used to make NP 00 Uncertainties inflated by 1.0 (scale factor), [10.0] (ps RSS) 00 We recommend an uncertainty adjust: scale factor 6.0 OR RSS value 60 (ps) h8 H9