Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 61: New IP Number for CDDIS From: CDDIS/Carey Noll <[Mailed Carey Noll 301-286-9283 ]> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1997-05-16 17:00:00 UTC Message No. 61 ******************************************************************************** Author: CDDIS/Carey Noll Subject: New IP Number for CDDIS On the morning of Monday June 16 1997 (no later than noon EDT), the IP address of the CDDIS host computer will change: Node Name: Old Number: NEW NUMBER: The node name will not change, just the node number. Users should make certain their CDDIS access scripts use the node name or this new IP address as of noon June 16. [Mailed From: Carey Noll 301-286-9283 ] ********************************************************************************