Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 85: CDDIS Web Sites and Anonymous FTP Have Moved From: Carey Noll/CDDIS <[Mailed Carey Noll 301-286-9283 ]> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1997-10-07 17:00:00 UTC Message No. 85 ******************************************************************************** Author: Carey Noll/CDDIS Subject: CDDIS Web Sites and Anonymous FTP Have Moved The many web sites as well as the anonymous ftp site that have been hosted from the CDDIS VAX computer (node name have been migrated to our new UNIX-based DEC AlphaServer (node name For the most part, users can access the new web sites by replacing the host name in the URL with For completeness, however, the URLs for the home pages of the major web sites hosted by the CDDIS are given in the table below. The new web sites are operational on as of October 01, 1997; the web pages listed in the table below have been replaced by pages pointing to those sites now maintained on cddisa. We hope that the web server and our new hardware will provide faster access to the supported pages. New URLs for CDDIS Web Sites ---------------------------- CDDIS Home Page Old: New: CDDIS Bulletin Archive Old: New: SGP Site Catalog Old: New: Space Geodesy Networks and Sensor Calibration Office (Code 920.1) Old: New: Geoscience Technology Office (Code920.3) Old: New: Space Geodesy Branch (Code 926) Old: New: SLR/LLR Subcommission of the CSTG Old: New: Geodetic and Geophysical Sites Subcommission of the CSTG Site List Old: New: SLR Brochure Old: New: The anonymous ftp site located on the computer has also been duplicated on the new computer; both sites will be maintained for the next several months. The table below lists the various relocated directories and their new path names as users would access them through anonymous ftp. Web access to the anonymous ftp site will continue to be permitted on cddisa; all directories will be accessible under the pub directory. New Directory Paths for CDDIS Anonymous FTP Site ------------------------------------------------ Data format documents Old: ANON_DIR:[FORMATS] New: /pub/formats Yearly space geodesy analysis results (generated by JPL/R. Gross) Old: ANON_DIR:[JPL] New: /pub/jpl SGP personnel directory (generated by CDDIS) Old: ANON_DIR:[PERSONNEL] New: /pub/personnel SLR satellite prediction files (generated by ATSC and UT CSR) Old: ANON_DIR:[PREDICTS] New: /pub/predicts BIH Bulletins (distributed by the Observatoire de Paris) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.BIH] New: /pub/reports/bih DOSEMail messages (distributed by JPL) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.DOSE] New: /pub/dose Daily GPS status reports (generated by CDDIS) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.GPSSTATUS] New: /pub/gpsstatus IAGMail messages (distributed by IGN) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.IAG] New: /pub/iag IERS Gazettes (distributed by the Observatoire de Paris) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.IERS] New: /pub/iers IGSMail messages (distributed by IGSCB at JPL) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.IGSMAIL] New: /pub/igsmail IGSNet reports (distributed by IGSCB at JPL) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.IGSNET] New: /pub/igsnet IGSReport messages (distributed by IGSCB at JPL) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.IGSREPORT] New: /pub/igsreport ITRFMail messages (distributed by IGN) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.ITRFMAIL] New: /pub/itrfmail Weekly PRARE reports (distributed by GFZ) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.PRARE] New: /pub/prare SGGMail messages (distributed by CDDIS) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SGGMAIL] New: /pub/sggmail Daily SLR/GPS reports (generated by CODE at AIUB) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SLRCODE.SLRGPS] New: /pub/slrcode/slrgps Weekly LAGEOS SLR reports (generated by UT CSR) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SLRCSR.LAGEOS] New: /pub/slrcsr/lageos Weekly WEGENER SLR reports (generated by DUT) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SLRDELFT] New: /pub/slrdelft SLReport messages (distributed by DGFI) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SLREPORT] New: /pub/slreport SLRMail messages (distributed by DGFI) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SLRMAIL] New: /pub/slrmail SLR station log files Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SLRSCF] New: /pub/slrscf Daily SLR TBF reports (generated by RGO) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SLRTBF] New: /pub/slrtbf Weekly SLR reports (generated by CDDIS) Old: ANON_DIR:[REPORTS.SLRWEEK] New: /pub/slrweek CDDIS SLR occupation history reports (generated by CDDIS) Old: ANON_DIR:[SLROCC] New: /pub/slrocc SLR system configuration reports (generated by ATSC) Old: ANON_DIR:[SLRSYS] New: /pub/slrsys Various software programs Old: ANON_DIR:[SOFTWARE] New: /pub/software At this time, ftp access to the on-line GPS, SLR, DORIS, and VLBI data sets will continue to be provided through the VAX/VMS host computer,; users will be notified as ftp access to these data sets are migrated to the new computer. [Mailed From: Carey Noll 301-286-9283 ] ********************************************************************************