Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 95: WEGENER 1998 From: S.Zerbini, H.P.Plag, B.Richter <[Mailed EDC ]> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1997-11-21 17:00:00 UTC Message No. 95 ******************************************************************************** Author: S.Zerbini, H.P.Plag, B.Richter Subject: WEGENER 1998 Dear Colleague, the Ninth General Assembly of the ”Working group of European Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earth-science Research” (WEGENER) will be held on June 29 to July 2, 1998. WEGENER98 is hosted by the Geodetic Institute of The Norwegian Mapping Authority and will take place at Hotel Sundvolden, Krokkleiva, Norway. In addition to the General Assembly, a meeting of the WEGENER Directing Board is scheduled for July 3,1998. The full information on WEGENER98 including the venue, abstract submission, registration etc. is available on internet at At this location, you find also the WEGENER home pages (.../wegener.html) including the WEGENER Dynamic Newsletter (.../news.html). If you have problems accessing any of these web pages or if you would like to contact the local organizing committee of WEGENER98, please send e-mail to or mail or fax to WEGENER98 Geodesidivisjon Statens Kartverk Kartverksveien 21 N-3500 Honefoss Norway Phone: +47-32118100 Fax: +47-32118101 Please, note that a preliminary statement of participation should be sent to the local organizing committee by 15 January 1998. Abstracts for presentations are due 1 March 1998. Other important deadlines are given on the web page. Hoping to see you at WEGENER98! Yours sincerely Susanna Zerbini Hans-Peter Plag Bernd Richter [Mailed From: EDC ] ********************************************************************************