Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 105: Upcoming CSTG SLR/LLR Subcommission Meeting From: John J. Degnan <###FROM###> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1998-02-27 23:00:00 UTC Message No. 105 ******************************************************************************** Author: John J. Degnan Subject: Upcoming CSTG SLR/LLR Subcommission Meeting This is an advance notice of the next General Assembly of the CSTG Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging Subcommission to be held in the Congress Centre during the European Geophysical Society (EGS) Symposium in Nice, France. The General Assembly is an open meeting and is tentatively scheduled for 19.00 on Tuesday evening, April 21. A detailed agenda with final time and location will be released prior to the meeting, but a major topic will be a discussion of the results of the Joint CSTG/IERS Call for Participation in the new International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS). Please remember that proposals are due to me by March 31, 1998. The last General Assembly of the year will be held in conjunction with the Eleventh International Workshop in Deggendorf, Germany, during the week of September 21 through 25. Members of the new ILRS Governing Board will be elected during the September meeting in accordance with the new ILRS Terms of Reference. John J. Degnan Chairperson, CSTG SLR/LLR Subcommission ********************************************************************************