Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 106: International GLONASS Experiment, IGEX-98 Call for Participation From: John J. Degnan <###FROM###> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1998-03-10 20:00:00 UTC Message No. 106 ******************************************************************************** Author: John J. Degnan Subject: International GLONASS Experiment, IGEX-98 Call for Participation Forwarded from Ruth Neilan, IGS Central Bureau >Author: Ruth Neilan for: Pascal Willis, Gerhard Beutler, Werner Gurtner, >Guenther Hein, Ruth Neilan, Jim Slater >Subject: International Call for Participation (GLONASS IGEX-98 campaign) > >Dear colleagues, > >The document below outlines a Call for Participation in an international >campaign for GLONASS observation during the period of September 20 through >December 20, 1998. > >All groups are welcome and encouraged to respond positively. People and >institutions already participating in the IGS are strongly encouraged to >answer this proposal if possible. > >Any further questions can be directed to Pascal WIllis, >, who is leading this effort on behalf of the CSTG. > >With best regards, and wishes for successful realization of IGEX-98, > >Ruth Neilan >IGS Central Bureau > >This message is being sent using various e-mail lists by the above authors, >sincere apologies for receipt of multiple copies. > > >======================================================================== > > FINAL VERSION (March 6, 1998) > > The International GLONASS Experiment > IGEX-98 > Sept 20 - Dec 20, 1998 > > document prepared by > Pascal Willis, Gerhard Beutler, Werner Gurtner > Guenter Hein, Ruth Neilan, Jim Slater > > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > > >1. IGEX-98: Description of the Experiment > -------------------------------------- > >1.1 Sponsoring Organizations >1.2 The GPS, the GLONASS, and IGS Involvement > >2. Call for Participation > ---------------------- > >2.1 IGEX-98 Coordinating Center >2.2 Observing stations >2.3 Data Centers >2.4 Data Analysis >2.5 Evaluation >2.6 Instructions to Answer the Proposal > > > >1. General Description of IGEX-98 > ------------------------------ > >1.1 Sponsoring International Associations > ------------------------------------- > >The International GLONASS EXperiment (IGEX) is an international >campaign sponsored by: > > - the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Commission VIII, > International Coordination of Space Techniques for Geodesy and > Geodynamics (CSTG), > > - the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS), > > - The Institute of Navigation (ION), and > > - The International Earth Rotation Service (IERS). > >CSTG is a commission of IAG (International Association of Geodesy) >and a subcommission of COSPAR (COmmission for SPAce Research) and IGS >is an approved service of IAG and a FAGS-Service (Federation of >Astronomical and Geophysical Data >Analysis Services) > >The CSTG Subcommission on ”Satellite Microwave Systems” (Chair, Pascal >Willis) is coordinating the project, as it was proposed at the 7th IGS >Governing Board Meeting in September 1997 in Rio de Janeiro (see IGS-Mail >Message 1683). > >The ION is a non-profit professional society dedicated to the art and >science of navigation including air, space, marine, land navigation and >position determination. ION organized a GLONASS-GPS Interoperability >Working Group in 1996 to facilitate solutions to problems related to >coordinate and time reference frames, precise ephemerides, and hardware and >software implementations. > >The IERS is a Service of IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) >and IAU (International Astronomical Union) and an approved service of FAGS. > >All GLONASS satellites are equipped with arrays of LASER reflectors >allowing the SLR community to range easily to the GLONASS satellites. It >is thus natural to closely coordinate the IGEX-98 with the SLR >Subcommission of CSTG. Werner Gurtner from the IGEX-98 steering committee >is at present considered as ”liaison officer” of the IGEX-98 with the SLR >Subcommission of CSTG > >1.2 The GPS, the GLONASS, and IGS Involvement > ----------------------------------------- > >There are many common aspects of the IGEX-98 and the 1992 IGS Test >Campaign: > > - The GLONASS and the GPS are close relatives from the technical point of > view (dual-frequency microwave systems in the L-band). > > - At present GLONASS is not fully operational (nor was the GPS in 1992, >although it was more fully developed). > > - Only the broadcast GPS orbits and precise ephemerides from the U.S. >Department of Defense were available in 1992, while only broadcast GLONASS >orbits are currently available. > > - GPS orbits were referenced to WGS 84 in 1992 but not to the ITRF; >GLONASS orbits are referenced to neither WGS 84 nor the ITRF. > >For the IGEX campaign, the IGS infrastructure can be exploited to the >extent possible. In particular, the IGS global network of tracking >stations, its experience with data acquisition and orbit production, and >its ties to the ITRF can be used to support the IGEX. With this in >mind,the Terms of Reference and the Call for Participation for the >following experiment were presented to and approved by the IGS >Governing Board on February 11, 1998. > >1.2 Objectives > ---------- > >The main purpose of IGEX-98 is to conduct the first Global GLONASS >Observation Campaign for geodetic and geodynamics applications and to >evaluate the results in an international workshop in 1999. The campaign >duration of three months is intended to simulate an operational >environment, i.e., observations, data transfer, and data analysis have to >be performed in a service-like manner (as opposed to a campaign-oriented >strategy). > >The main objectives of IGEX-98 are: > > - set up a global GLONASS observation network, > > - test GLONASS data processing software, > > - determine GLONASS orbits of meter-quality or better in a well-defined > Earth-fixed reference frame (namely, the ITRF), > > - gain insight into GLONASS orbit modeling peculiarities > (solar radiation pressure, attitude, etc.), > > - study common GPS/GLONASS processing strategies, > > - engage the collaboration of the SLR community to evaluate the > accuracy of the determined GLONASS orbits, > > - determine transformation parameters between the GLONASS operational >reference frame and ITRF and WGS 84 (the GPS operational reference frame), > > - connect the GPS and GLONASS time systems, > > - compare receiver equipment performance, > > - compare and contrast the separate and combined satellite systems on a >global basis, and > > - foster participation and cooperation with Russian agencies and >organizations. > >1.3 IGEX-98 Schedule > ---------------- > > February 1998 Distribution of IGEX-98 Call for Participation > > May 29, 1998 Proposals due > > June 1998 Evaluation of proposal by Steering Committee > Review/approval of the schedule > > Designation of the Oversight Commitee (including Chair) > > Campaign Planning Meeting > > September 20, 1998 Campaign begins > > December 20, 1998 Campaign ends > > early 1999 IGEX-98 Evaluation Workshop > >1.4 IGEX-98: Organizational Aspects > ------------------------------- > >The CSTG Subcommission on Microwave systems is coordinating IGEX-98 with >Pascal Willis as coordinator. > > >The Steering Committee of IGEX-98 consists of Pascal Willis(IGN) (chair), >Gerhard Beutler (AIUB), Werner Gurtner (AIUB), Ruth Neilan (JPL), >Guenther Hein (UbM), Jim Slater (NIMA). >The Steering Committee prepares and sends out the Call for Participation, >evaluates and answers the proposals received. > >After this evaluation, IGEX-98 will be coordinated by a >broad-based International >Organizing Committee consisting of participants in IGEX-98. The steering >committee will be dissolved. > >Participation in the IGEX-98 is requested for the following activities: > > - Observing station(s) > - Data Center(s) > - Analysis Center(s) > - Evaluation of Results > >Additional information may be found below and in the following Web sites: > > > > >2. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION > ---------------------- > >The Steering Committee of the IGEX-98 is seeking participants for the 1998 >International GLONASS Experiment. The description of the campaign is >contained in Section 1 of this document. > >In particular, we are seeking > > - IGEX-98 Observing Sites > - IGEX-98 Data Centers > - IGEX-98 Data Analysis Groups > - IGEX-98 Evaluation Groups > >2.1 Observing Sites > --------------- > >2.1.1 Receivers > --------- > >Only geodetic-type receivers (capable of collecting pseudorange and carrier >phase observations) may be used in IGEX-98. Receivers must be able to >track at least four GLONASS satellites simultaneously and, if combined with >a GPS receiver, at least four GPS satellites simultaneously. > >In particular, and in sequence of preference, the following receiver types >may be used in IGEX-98: > > - Combined dual-frequency GPS/GLONASS receivers > - Dual-frequency GLONASS receivers > - Combined single-frequency (L1) GPS/GLONASS receivers > - Single-frequency GLONASS receivers > >Receivers must be colocated with or tied to sites that have well-determined >ITRF coordinates. IGS sites are preferable. The ITRF coordinates should >have an accuracy of 1-5 cm. In cases where there are no suitable ITRF >coordinates available at a site, a dual-frequency geodetic-quality GPS >receiver must be colocated with the GLONASS receiver to collect sufficient >GPS data during the experiment to compute ITRF coordinates for the site at >the specified accuracy. This may be done by relative positioning to a >nearby IGS site or by absolute positioning. > >In the case of single-frequency GLONASS receivers, it is absolutely >mandatory that a dual-frequency geodetic-quality GPS receiver is operating >during the whole campaign on the same site on a marker with known or >determinable ITRF coordinates (within a distance of less than a few hundred >meters from the GLONASS receiver). The local ties between the two antennae >should be available with an accuracy of less than 1 cm (in ITRF). > >A GLONASS Site Information Report must be available at the IGEX-98 >Coordination Center prior to the observation campaign (format identical to >IGS site documentation form, available at the IGS Central Bureau >Information System, see > >If the IGEX-98 receiver is driven by an accurate external clock (rubidium, >cesium or hydrogen standard), this information should be included in the >proposal. > >2.1.2 Operational considerations > -------------------------- > >The IGEX-98 will be based on a 30s sampling rate. > >The data must be forwarded to an IGEX data center within 48 hours from the >end of the UT day on which it was collected. > >The exchange file format is the RINEX format (see >igscb/data/format/rinex2.txt). > >The following naming conventions will be followed: > >A 4-character acronym for each receiver operated during the campaign should >be proposed to and approved by the IGS Central Bureau >( > >For each marker, a DOMES number (a globally unambiguous marker number used >by ITRF) has to be requested from the ITRF Section of the IERS Central >Bureau (see, e-mail contact: > > >The proposal should specify what quality control will be performed before >sending the data to a data center. > >Detailed guidelines for the data handling will be provided together with >the approval of the proposal. > >2.1.3 Local Geodetic Ties > ---------- > >The local geodetic ties between the GLONASS equipment and all geodetic >equipment in the vicinity (GPS, DORIS, SLR, VLBI, PRARE,..) must be >performed, documented and made available before the start of IGEX-98. >They have to be reported as Cartesian coordinate differences (delta X/Y/Z) >parallel enough to the earth-centered ITRS to maintain the accuracy of a >few millimeters. > >2.2 Data Centers > ------------ > >The proposal should describe the maximum number of stations from which data >can be received, stored and made available for anonymous ftp access. > >Data upload from the stations to the data center should be performed >through ftp (anonymous or by user account/password), too. However, it will >be the responsibility of the data centers to coordinate the data upload >with the observing sites. > >The data should be available online within hours after reception from the >observing organizations and for at least 3 months after the campaign. >Offline availability upon request should be maintained for at least 2 >years. > >Data centers should fill out a data center description form available at > > > >2.3 Data Analysis > ------------- > >Data Analysis Groups will process the GLONASS IGEX-98 data. It is expected >that after some time they may be able to produce results >on a daily or a weekly basis. They should make them available >for comparisons (or combinations) as early as possible. > >IGEX-98 Data Analysis Groups should briefly describe planned analysis. It >is expected, however, that GLONASS ephemerides and GLONASS satellite clock >information will be the main result. In the response to the Call for >Participation, the Analysis Groups should indicate which of the following >items they plan to produce: > > - precise GLONASS ephemerides (in SP3-Format, see > and/or > - GLONASS satellite clocks and/or > - Earth rotation parameters and/or > - stations coordinates (in SINEX files, see > and/or > - other information (e.g., ionosphere, troposphere, etc.) > > >2.4 Data Evaluation > ------------------ > >In IGEX-98 we envisage that two kinds of orbit/clock evaluations >will be done > >(1) Comparison of results (obtained by the various Analysis Groups) >similar to those routinely performed by the IGS Analysis Coordinator > >(2) Evaluation based on independent techniques, i.e., SLR observations. > >We are seeking participation in both domains. In case (1) we would prefer a >proposal from an IGS- and/or and IGEX-Analysis Group, in case (2) a >proposal from an SLR Analysis Center. > > >2.5 Instructions for Submitting a Proposal > ----------------------------------- > >Proposals submitted in response to the Call for Participation should >contain: > > - a cover letter signed by an official representative of the organization > - the attached cover sheet > - a detailed plan describing the activities proposed by the organization > >It should be clear in the proposal which organizations are cooperating or >assumed to contribute and whether the organization(s) would consider >continuing their activities after the end of the observation campaign (Dec >20, 1998). > >Send proposals to: > > Pascal Willis > Institut Geographique National > ENSG/LAREG Phone: 33-(0)1-6415-3254 > 6-8 Avenue Blaise Pascal FAX: 33-(0)1-6415-3253 > Cite Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne e-mail: > 77455 Marne-la-Vallee, France > > > --------------------------------------------------------- >Proposal Submitted in response to the >Call for Participation >International GLONASS Experiment (IGEX-98) > >Proposing Organization: > >Point of Contact: > Name > Address > Telephone > FAX > email > >Authorizing Official > Name > Address > Telephone > FAX > email > > > > > signature > >Proposal for > Stations Observations > Data Management > Data Analysis > Evaluation > >For Joint proposals: > > Collaborating institutions > > Contacts > >Detailed proposal (see attached requirements) > > ------------------------------------------------------- > >============================================================================ >Ruth E. Neilan Telephone: (818)-354-8330 >IGS Central Bureau FAX: (818)-393-6686 >Jet Propulsion Laboratory E-mail (IGS): >MS 238-540 E-mail (personal): >4800 Oak Grove Drive E-mail (UNAVCO): > >Pasadena, CA 91109 > >World Wide Web: >============================================================================ > > > ********************************************************************************