Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 110: Summary of ILRS Responses From: John J. Degnan <###FROM###> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1998-04-07 10:00:00 UTC Message No. 110 ******************************************************************************** Author: John J. Degnan Subject: Summary of ILRS Responses The following proposals were received in response to the recent Joint CSTG/IERS Call for Participation in the new International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS). Deadline for submission was March 31, 1998. Please review the list to ensure that your submission (if any) was received. The organizational responses are grouped first by function (e.g. Central Bureau, station/subnetwork, analysis or associate analysis center, global or regional data center, and operations center) , then by country in alphabetical order within each function, and then by station in alphabetical order within each country. Therefore your organization may be listed in more than one place. Thanks to all who participated. There are still a few groups who are currently involved in SLR activities that have not responded and a few new organizations as well. If you have submitted a Response Form and you do not see it on this list please contact me as soon as possible. If you are late in submitting your proposal, I urge you to submit it immediately. Sincerely, John J. Degnan Chairperson, CSTG Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging Subcommission CENTRAL BUREAU USA NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland ANALYSIS/ASSOCIATE ANALYSIS CENTERS AUSTRALIA Australian Surveying and Land Information Group (AUSLIG) AUSTRIA Analysis Center GRAZ (Associate) CHINA Shanghai (Associate) FRANCE Paris Observatory Lunar Analysis Center (Associate) GERMANY Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie (BKG) DGFI ESA/ESOC (Associate) Forschungseinrichting Satellitengeodasie (FERSG/TUM) (Associate) GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (Associate) ITALY Centro de Geodasia Spaziale ”G. Colombo” (CGS) (Associate) NETHERLANDS Delft Institute for Earth Oriented Space Research (DEOS) NORWAY Division for Electronics, Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt(FFI) (Associate) RUSSIA Institute of Applied Astronomy, St. Petersburg Institute of Astronomy, Moscow (Associate) IMVP (Institute of Metrology for Time and Space), Moscow (Associate) SWITZERLAND CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe) UNITED KINGDOM Herstmonceux Satellite Laser Ranging Group (Associate) UKRAINE GAOUA ( Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) USA GSFC Space Geodesy Analysis Center (GSG AC), Greenbelt, Maryland Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California University of Texas, Austin, Texas UT Analysis Center for LLR, Austin, Texas ********************************************************************************