Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 117: Loss of E-Mails at AIUB/CODE From: Markus Rothacher <[Mailed MARKUS ROTHACHER ]> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1998-05-18 16:00:00 UTC Message No. 117 ******************************************************************************** Author: Markus Rothacher Subject: Loss of E-Mails at AIUB/CODE EUREFMAIL@AIUB.UNIBE.CH Dear Colleagues, due to a problem with our computer system all the e-mail sent to members of the AIUB or to CODE during the time interval from Friday morning 00:00 (UT), May 15, 1998 to Monday morning 10:00 (UT), May 18, 1998 has been lost. Please resend your original e-mail if it was submitted in the time interval mentioned above. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. With best regards, Markus Rothacher AIUB/CODE PS: Because this message is distributed through several mailing systems, we apologize if you receive more than one copy of this message. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Markus Rothacher Phone : ++41-31-631-8591 Astronomical Institute Fax : ++41-31-631-3869 University of Berne E-mail : Sidlerstrasse 5 AFTP : ftp ( CH-3012 Berne cd aiub$ftp after login Switzerland WWW : [Mailed From: MARKUS ROTHACHER ] ********************************************************************************