Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 173: GLONASS SLR Report From: T.A. Springer <[Mailed Tim Springer ]> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1998-11-05 17:00:00 UTC Message No. 173 ******************************************************************************** Author: T.A. Springer Subject: GLONASS SLR Report Dear Colleagues, Below we present a ”GLONASS SLR Residual Analysis Report” which is similar to our ”GPS Quicklook Residual Analysis Report” which we generate on a daily basis. For this analysis we used the SLR observations of the GLONASS satellites together with our IGEX orbits (computed from GLONASS microwave observations) and the ITRF96 coordinates of the SLR sites to obtain the difference between the observed SLR ranges and the computed ranges. This report is based on the SLR tracking data from October 10-19, 1998. Unfortunately our IGEX (Glonass) orbits do not yet have the quality of our IGS (GPS) orbits which means that we do not get down to the noise level of the SLR observations. We have estimated our IGEX orbit quality to be of the order of 300-500 mm. The overall ”RMS” (last line of this report) of the GLONASS SLR Residual Analysis shows that the agreement between the GLONASS orbits and the SLR observations is about 400 mm. This corresponds quite well with our estimated orbit error. So please note that the field ”RMS” does not reflect the noise of the SLR observations! It reflects the quality of our GLONASS orbits. The CODE Analysis Center very much appreciates the enormous effort of all the SLR stations tracking the 9 GLONASS satellites (and the 2 GPS satellites!). We sincerely hope you all can ”keep up the good work”. With this report we hope to give you some useful feedback about the performance of your station. The SLR tracking of the GLONASS satellites is of great importance for the IGEX campaign. As soon as we have some more experience with both the microwave and SLR tracking of the GLONASS satellites we will try to combine the two measurement types. We hope that you find the information in this report useful. If you want more information, please feel free to contact us. Kind Regards, Tim Springer Markus Rothacher CODE Analysis Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tim Springer Astronomical Institute, University of Berne Tel: +41 31 6318592 Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland Fax: +41 31 6313869 ftp: -or- e-mail: after login: cd ”aiub$ftp” www: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Center for Orbit Determination in Europe/ Astronomical Institute, University of Berne (CODE/AIUB) GLONASS Residual Analysis Report Contact: T.A. Springer ( Processing Strategy: -------------------- - We used the SLR observations together with our IGEX orbits and the ITRF96 coordinates of the SLR sites to obtain the difference between the observed SLR ranges and the computed ranges (OMC). - A summary of the resulting OMC residuals per station and satellite pass is generated. We have tried to make it look like the CSR Lageos-1 & Lageos-2 Quicklook Reports. (It is identical to our GPS Quicklook Reports) - The summary contains: STATION ID: Station CDP number and first characters of the station name SAT PRN : The satellite number which for the Glonass satellites refers to the ”slot” number (see below). START PASS: Start time of the SLR observation pass DUR : Duration of the SLR observation pass #OBS GOOD : Number of accepted SLR observations. MEAN : Mean of the accepted OMC residuals (in millimeters) RMS : RMS of the OMC residuals around the MEAN. (in millimeters) #OBS BAD : Number of rejected SLR observations. MEAN : Mean of the rejected OMC residuals (in meters) RMS : RMS of the rejected OMC residuals around the MEAN. (in meters) - Currently only observations with OMC larger than 3 meters are rejected. - The ”MEAN” will absorb possible range biases, to a large extent time biases and part of the orbit error. At present both the ”MEAN” and the ”RMS” (around the mean) are dominated by the orbital errors. - For those of you who are note familiar with the GLONASS slot numbers here a ”translation table”: SLR name: 68 70 69 79 65 66 62 71 72 Slot nr.: 3 4 6 9 12 16 17 20 22 STATION ID SAT START PASSAGE DUR #OBS MEAN RMS #OBS MEAN RMS PRN yy/mm/dd hh:mm (min) GOOD (mm) (mm) BAD (m) (m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7237 CHANGCHUN 9 98/10/10 09:54 7 3 -446 29 7237 CHANGCHUN 9 98/10/14 15:22 27 7 692 45 7237 CHANGCHUN 9 98/10/15 13:07 59 6 791 86 7237 CHANGCHUN 9 98/10/16 12:59 13 4 235 14 7237 CHANGCHUN 9 98/10/17 10:33 39 9 125 15 7237 CHANGCHUN 3 98/10/14 16:19 18 5 -205 132 7237 CHANGCHUN 3 98/10/19 19:18 14 4 -1 29 7237 CHANGCHUN 20 98/10/10 12:04 3 2 -922 17 7237 CHANGCHUN 20 98/10/14 17:54 57 9 -381 25 7237 CHANGCHUN 20 98/10/15 15:28 78 9 -699 151 7237 CHANGCHUN 20 98/10/16 12:24 87 9 -48 228 7237 CHANGCHUN 20 98/10/17 12:29 12 4 -304 20 7237 CHANGCHUN 4 98/10/14 17:19 42 10 -380 56 7237 CHANGCHUN 4 98/10/15 15:44 22 5 -233 64 7237 CHANGCHUN 4 98/10/19 20:14 32 8 316 59 7237 CHANGCHUN 12 98/10/10 13:58 38 7 620 54 7237 CHANGCHUN 12 98/10/11 11:49 47 5 647 117 7237 CHANGCHUN 12 98/10/12 10:34 11 3 448 37 7237 CHANGCHUN 12 98/10/19 11:19 77 5 625 151 7237 CHANGCHUN 22 98/10/10 15:07 45 5 -249 109 7237 CHANGCHUN 22 98/10/11 13:23 20 4 -550 26 7237 CHANGCHUN 22 98/10/12 10:09 3 2 101 4 7237 CHANGCHUN 22 98/10/15 18:38 52 12 -11 25 7237 CHANGCHUN 22 98/10/19 12:03 18 5 -71 42 7237 CHANGCHUN 17 98/10/10 19:09 9 3 221 36 7237 CHANGCHUN 17 98/10/11 16:58 89 12 235 122 7237 CHANGCHUN 17 98/10/12 15:44 1 2 -595 50 7237 CHANGCHUN 17 98/10/14 12:44 36 4 -640 58 1 4 0 7237 CHANGCHUN 17 98/10/15 09:57 49 11 140 49 7237 CHANGCHUN 17 98/10/19 16:43 93 11 -189 67 7237 CHANGCHUN 6 98/10/14 18:58 54 8 -146 63 7237 CHANGCHUN 6 98/10/15 17:39 55 11 -86 66 7237 CHANGCHUN 16 98/10/14 13:33 54 9 538 89 7237 CHANGCHUN 16 98/10/15 11:28 64 8 424 40 7839 GRAZ 9 98/10/13 15:03 63 9 -558 21 7839 GRAZ 3 98/10/10 11:48 52 12 132 35 7839 GRAZ 3 98/10/13 06:53 72 12 -35 51 7839 GRAZ 20 98/10/10 22:39 136 13 -182 139 7839 GRAZ 20 98/10/13 17:33 35 8 -182 2 7839 GRAZ 4 98/10/10 13:33 92 10 -25 40 7839 GRAZ 4 98/10/11 12:53 68 14 -226 11 7839 GRAZ 4 98/10/13 08:08 97 14 -648 91 7839 GRAZ 12 98/10/11 10:29 57 8 415 42 7839 GRAZ 22 98/10/13 21:33 89 7 -277 43 7839 GRAZ 17 98/10/10 17:29 16 5 94 21 7839 GRAZ 17 98/10/11 16:54 12 4 342 7 7839 GRAZ 17 98/10/15 22:03 39 4 145 31 7839 GRAZ 6 98/10/11 00:42 110 12 112 39 7839 GRAZ 16 98/10/11 17:09 42 7 -134 10 7110 MONUMENTPEA 20 98/10/10 13:19 63 8 -165 56 7110 MONUMENTPEA 20 98/10/12 07:17 295 16 59 83 7110 MONUMENTPEA 20 98/10/13 04:53 167 15 -201 44 7110 MONUMENTPEA 20 98/10/17 13:28 67 13 -193 17 7110 MONUMENTPEA 20 98/10/19 13:18 8 3 -52 6 7090 YARRAGADEE 9 98/10/15 15:08 129 8 314 348 7090 YARRAGADEE 9 98/10/17 12:21 0 1 366 0 7090 YARRAGADEE 9 98/10/18 11:04 106 6 156 6 7090 YARRAGADEE 3 98/10/17 05:42 19 3 -210 19 7090 YARRAGADEE 3 98/10/19 15:03 182 15 -83 70 7090 YARRAGADEE 20 98/10/14 12:47 13 4 -172 22 7090 YARRAGADEE 20 98/10/15 10:59 586 30 -646 141 7090 YARRAGADEE 20 98/10/16 11:34 17 5 86 9 7090 YARRAGADEE 20 98/10/17 09:16 91 7 76 47 7090 YARRAGADEE 20 98/10/18 06:49 36 6 178 10 7090 YARRAGADEE 4 98/10/15 11:43 3 2 41 8 7090 YARRAGADEE 4 98/10/17 07:28 8 3 -176 4 7090 YARRAGADEE 4 98/10/18 05:04 21 4 -240 18 7090 YARRAGADEE 4 98/10/19 16:59 196 11 -53 40 7090 YARRAGADEE 12 98/10/10 14:38 212 18 99 245 7090 YARRAGADEE 12 98/10/11 14:30 98 14 421 369 7090 YARRAGADEE 12 98/10/12 11:54 161 12 451 424 7090 YARRAGADEE 12 98/10/13 11:58 16 5 637 64 7090 YARRAGADEE 12 98/10/18 14:00 45 11 369 15 7090 YARRAGADEE 12 98/10/19 12:44 222 11 271 362 7090 YARRAGADEE 22 98/10/17 11:13 64 7 40 49 7090 YARRAGADEE 22 98/10/18 09:29 91 11 -237 36 7090 YARRAGADEE 22 98/10/19 10:42 27 7 -67 13 7090 YARRAGADEE 17 98/10/18 00:52 20 5 -31 27 7090 YARRAGADEE 17 98/10/19 12:24 533 11 -420 196 7090 YARRAGADEE 6 98/10/15 14:35 176 8 99 207 7090 YARRAGADEE 6 98/10/16 13:09 27 7 32 32 7090 YARRAGADEE 6 98/10/17 09:43 147 18 219 212 7090 YARRAGADEE 6 98/10/18 07:53 132 17 -41 96 7090 YARRAGADEE 6 98/10/19 21:02 8 3 256 9 7090 YARRAGADEE 16 98/10/12 18:28 29 7 -194 6 7090 YARRAGADEE 16 98/10/16 12:29 16 5 277 28 7090 YARRAGADEE 16 98/10/17 12:07 0 1 196 0 7090 YARRAGADEE 16 98/10/19 20:44 172 10 -526 55 7843 ORRORAL 9 98/10/13 21:37 4 2 -227 7 7843 ORRORAL 9 98/10/16 15:08 3 2 21 25 7843 ORRORAL 3 98/10/14 10:39 8 3 -199 2 7843 ORRORAL 3 98/10/15 09:20 11 4 -137 12 7843 ORRORAL 3 98/10/16 09:21 0 1 111 0 7843 ORRORAL 20 98/10/13 22:41 4 2 173 21 7843 ORRORAL 20 98/10/16 10:13 3 2 -41 28 7843 ORRORAL 20 98/10/17 08:24 11 4 -201 19 7843 ORRORAL 4 98/10/14 14:54 8 3 131 9 7843 ORRORAL 4 98/10/15 10:59 7 3 -103 1 7843 ORRORAL 4 98/10/16 09:44 6 3 -110 13 7843 ORRORAL 12 98/10/14 11:29 12 4 -96 16 7843 ORRORAL 12 98/10/15 09:53 5 2 -60 20 7843 ORRORAL 12 98/10/16 22:39 6 3 397 20 7843 ORRORAL 17 98/10/14 09:03 3 2 -128 17 7843 ORRORAL 17 98/10/15 08:04 6 3 357 22 7843 ORRORAL 17 98/10/18 23:23 4 2 -58 3 7843 ORRORAL 6 98/10/14 04:04 8 0 0 0 3****** 202818 7843 ORRORAL 6 98/10/15 14:39 7 3 -300 22 7843 ORRORAL 6 98/10/16 13:27 4 2 -150 14 7843 ORRORAL 16 98/10/11 01:33 9 3 -520 11 7843 ORRORAL 16 98/10/12 22:57 3 2 -300 8 7843 ORRORAL 16 98/10/13 20:54 6 3 -318 8 7843 ORRORAL 16 98/10/15 14:30 6 3 275 18 7843 ORRORAL 16 98/10/16 13:00 8 3 199 27 7105 GREENBELT 20 98/10/11 10:42 49 8 -7 28 7105 GREENBELT 20 98/10/15 04:18 90 9 -494 49 7105 GREENBELT 20 98/10/16 03:14 6 3 -210 9 7105 GREENBELT 12 98/10/11 21:53 8 3 394 3 7105 GREENBELT 12 98/10/14 17:14 3 2 224 4 7105 GREENBELT 12 98/10/19 21:34 117 11 609 127 7105 GREENBELT 16 98/10/11 14:46 25 6 -490 30 7105 GREENBELT 16 98/10/14 23:04 18 5 379 13 7210 MAUI 20 98/10/14 04:19 3 2 -301 2 7210 MAUI 20 98/10/15 18:44 21 6 -633 17 7210 MAUI 20 98/10/19 08:38 38 7 -106 14 7210 MAUI 12 98/10/14 09:14 66 10 185 103 7210 MAUI 16 98/10/12 04:13 13 4 -37 3 7210 MAUI 16 98/10/18 09:08 3 2 -604 2 7210 MAUI 16 98/10/19 05:13 184 15 -674 65 7080 MLRS 20 98/10/13 07:32 17 5 -184 6 7080 MLRS 20 98/10/14 07:59 2 2 -190 13 7080 MLRS 20 98/10/15 02:47 79 7 -391 50 7236 WUHAN 9 98/10/14 14:20 39 21 518 287 7236 WUHAN 9 98/10/15 13:59 22 12 861 248 7236 WUHAN 20 98/10/14 15:27 16 10 208 378 7236 WUHAN 20 98/10/15 14:31 13 8 -204 175 7236 WUHAN 4 98/10/14 15:47 16 9 342 169 7236 WUHAN 16 98/10/14 13:00 51 27 429 186 7236 WUHAN 16 98/10/15 11:23 25 14 349 255 7837 SHANGHAI 17 98/10/15 10:23 28 7 470 8 7836 POTSDAM 4 98/10/18 00:12 34 7 -34 23 7836 POTSDAM 22 98/10/15 18:33 12 4 33 31 7836 POTSDAM 6 98/10/19 23:18 18 5 378 26 7810 ZIMMERWALD 9 98/10/19 19:26 12 4 130 7 7810 ZIMMERWALD 20 98/10/19 21:41 56 6 93 41 7810 ZIMMERWALD 12 98/10/19 22:27 80 6 713 70 7810 ZIMMERWALD 22 98/10/19 23:06 3 2 53 2 7810 ZIMMERWALD 17 98/10/16 19:17 83 14 197 14 7810 ZIMMERWALD 6 98/10/19 23:16 2 2 518 1 7810 ZIMMERWALD 16 98/10/16 20:20 10 2 489 52 8834 WETTZELL 3 98/10/17 00:49 10 51 -155 45 8834 WETTZELL 20 98/10/17 00:35 11 53 -57 38 8834 WETTZELL 12 98/10/17 11:47 17 50 542 37 8834 WETTZELL 17 98/10/16 20:18 4 2 83 1 8834 WETTZELL 16 98/10/16 22:29 11 105 261 44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1300 48 366 [Mailed From: Tim Springer ] ********************************************************************************