Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 244: TLRS-4 Eccs, SOD, and coordinates at 71 From: Jim Long, Van S. Husson, ATSC ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 1999-02-04 09:00:00 UTC Message No. 244 ******************************************************************************** Author: Jim Long, Van S. Husson, ATSC Subject: TLRS-4 Eccs, SOD, and coordinates at 71 by SLRAL2.ATSC.ALLIED.COM with SMTP for; Wed, 3 Feb 1999 20:02:23 -0500 by (PostalUnion/SMTP(tm) v2.2 (Build 22008) for Windows NT(tm)) id AA-1999Feb03.200000.1122.2129812; Wed, 03 Feb 1999 19:55:55 -0500 TLRS-4 has been relocated to Station 7130 at the Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (GGAO). The system was connected to the GGAO survey scheme by precise conventional geodetic measurements observed by both TLRS-4 personnel and the NASA-SLR Survey Section. Station 7130 was resurveyed to the GGAO control network prior to being occupied by TLRS-4. Station Occupied: 7130 Latitude: 39 01´ 15.27084” North Longitude: 76 49´ 38.81908” West Height: 18.634 Meters Reference: ITRF-94 (1993): a = 6378137.0 ; 1/f = 298.2572221 System Station Occupancy Designator (SOD): 71301402, Effective 01/15/99. TLRS-4 System Eccentricities in relation to Station 7130 North: 0.002 Meters East: -0.003 Meters Up: 2.655 Meters From: (Husson, Van) ********************************************************************************