Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 606: Preliminary orbit prediction products for CHAMP From: Roland Schmidt, Rolf Koenig > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2000-05-14 22:04:00 UTC Message No. 606 ******************************************************************************** Author: Roland Schmidt, Rolf Koenig Subject: Preliminary orbit prediction products for CHAMP Dear colleagues, a set of preliminary orbit prediction products for CHAMP has been generated for test and planning purposes. This set comprises the following standard products: Tuned InterRangeVectors (IRVs) Adjacent drag functions (DRAG) SAO elements (SAO) Twoline elements (TLE) These products are based on CHAMP´s separation scenario. Therefore IRVs and DRAG are valid after the separation of CHAMP from the second stage of the rocket to occur at July 15, 12:32 UTC. The epoch given in the SAO and TLE data sets coincides with revolution number 1 counting from the first equator crossing of CHAMP heading North. CHAMP´s satellite identification numbers are set to preliminary values (see product files). They will be updated when available from the relevant institutions (e.g. COSPAR number). An update of these orbit predictions may become necessary shortly before launch. The data sets are accessible via anonymous ftp at our ftp-server: ftp-server name: Directory: pub/champ/chftp1/slr Files: IRVS_000512, DRAG_000512, SAO_000512, TLE_000512 In case of any questions and/or suggestions please feel free to contact us. Best regards From: Roland Schmidt ********************************************************************************