Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 616: Call for Participation- International GLONASS Service From: Jim Slater ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2000-06-02 23:39:00 UTC Message No. 616 ******************************************************************************** Author: Jim Slater Subject: Call for Participation- International GLONASS Service Dear Colleagures: Please excuse and disregard this message if you have already seen it on the IGS or IGLOSMail services. If not, please continue. Hello and welcome to the official start of the International GLONASS Service Pilot Project (IGLOS-PP) sponsored by the International GPS Service (IGS). The pilot project is designed as a more formal continuation of the IGEX-98 experiment that ended in 1999. It is the result of recommendations made at the IGEX-98 Workshop in September 1999 in Nashville, Tennessee. This message will announce the new mail service and the official Call for Participation for the IGLOS-PP. Information about the pilot project can be found on the IGS Central Bureau web site at A copy of the Charter for the new pilot project is available at this site as well as historical information about IGEX-98. At this time, we are initiating a new mail service called IGLOSMail. This will replace IGEXMail, which has served us well up to now. The new IGLOSMail service is effective immediately and is supported by the IGS Central Bureau at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. All the subscribers to the IGEXMail have been automatically transferred to the new IGLOSMail subscriber list. Please begin using the IGLOSMail today. The archives of the IGEXMail have been transferred to the IGS Central Bureau and can be found on the IGS web site. To send a message to the IGLOS mailing list, email it to: Please ensure the first line of the body of your message starts with the string ”Author: ” followed by the names of the author(s) of the message. Also, the Subject field of the email should not be blank. IGLOSMail will begin with message number 1. (An example is given at Approximately 25-30 tracking stations and three Analysis Centers have continued to collect GLONASS data and to produce precise orbits on an informal basis since the end of IGEX-98. Currently, ten GLONASS satellites are operational, although many of these are quite old. A new launch of three satellites has been mentioned by Russian authorities perhaps as early as July, but one cannot be certain of these things until they occur. There seems to be sufficient interest in GLONASS as an augmentation to GPS for scientific applications and for other developmental purposes to warrant continued exploitation of the satellites as long as they remain viable. The pilot project committee will reassess the constellation status and the pilot service at six-month intervals to confirm that there is still sufficient benefit and interest in maintaining the operation. The new Call for Participation in the International GLONASS Service Pilot Project is given below. A copy of the Call for Participation can also be found at the IGS IGLOS-PP page of the web site noted earlier. All interested parties are invited to respond to this Call for Participation. The document describes the project, its goals and objectives and organization, lists the project committee members, defines the requirements for participation as an observing station, data center or analysis center, and provides instructions for sending in a proposal. The deadline for submission of proposals is 7 July 2000. Note that there are some changes in the requirements compared to those of the IGEX-98 campaign. We are looking forward to this new phase of international cooperation in the use of the GLONASS constellation and hope it continues to be a productive endeavor for all involved. Jim Slater, Chair IGLOS Pilot Project Committee INTERNATIONAL GPS SERVICE CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 25 May 2000 INTERNATIONAL GLONASS SERVICE - PILOT PROJECT 2000-2003 Prepared by Pilot Project Committee TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. IGLOS-PP: Description of the Pilot Project 1.1. Background 1.2. Goals and Objectives 1.3. Organizational Aspects 1.4. Project Committee 2. Call for Participation 2.1. Observing Stations 2.2. Data Centers 2.3. Analysis Centers 2.4. Associate Analysis Centers 3. Instructions for Submitting Proposals 4. Proposal Form 1. IGLOS-PP: Description of the Pilot Project The International GLONASS Service - Pilot Project (IGLOS-PP) is a pilot service of the International GPS Service (IGS) to track and analyze data from the Russian GLONASS satellite constellation. The primary products of the service are dual-frequency observations from the global tracking network and precise orbits computed for each satellite. These are made available to support and encourage other applications and studies. In particular, the products from the Service facilitate the use of combined GLONASS and GPS observations for scientific and engineering applications, and allow users to experiment with the combined systems as a prototype Global Navigation Satellite System. The pilot service will operate for a period of up to four years, from 2000-2003. 1.2. Goals and Objectives The goals and objectives of the IGLOS Pilot Service are as follows: 1. Establish and maintain a global GLONASS tracking network a. Collocate dual-frequency, combined GPS/GLONASS receivers with dual-frequency GPS receivers or upgrade existing dual-frequency GPS receivers to dual-frequency, combined GPS/GLONASS receivers at existing IGS sites and at new sites b. Apply International GPS Service (IGS) network operations standards c. Calibrate and evaluate combined GPS/GLONASS receivers and antennas 2. Produce precise (10-cm level) orbits, satellite clock estimates, and station coordinates a. Evaluate microwave-derived orbits using SLR observations and orbits b. Incorporate SLR observations in routine orbit processing c. Obtain initial operational capability of 20-50 cm orbits at Analysis Centers d. Receive independent orbit/clock/station solutions from Analysis Centers within three weeks of observations 3. Monitor and assess GLONASS system performance 4. Investigate the use of GLONASS to improve Earth Orientation Parameters 5. Improve atmospheric products of the IGS 6. Fully integrate GLONASS into IGS products, operations and programs. 1.3. Organizational Aspects The Pilot Service will utilize the existing infrastructure of the IGS as much as possible without disrupting activities supporting GPS data collection and processing. It will take advantage of the operational experience gained from the International GLONASS Experiment (IGEX-98) carried out in 1998-99. The Call for Participation is being issued to officially enlist the participation of current IGS network stations, analysis centers, and data centers, as well as to solicit the participation of new stations, analysis centers, and data centers. The IGS Central Bureau will take responsibility for including the pilot service within the IGS operations. The pilot service will include SLR stations, GLONASS stations, and combined GPS/GLONASS stations that meet IGS network requirements and additional GLONASS-specific requirements. 1.4. Project Committee An IGLOS Pilot Project Committee is responsible for establishing and managing the service during the pilot period. The members are: Vladimir Glotov, Mission Control Centre, Russian Space Agency Ramesh Govind, Australian Surveying and Land Information Group Werner Gurtner, University of Berne, Astronomical Institute, ILRS Liaison Arne Jungstand, EC Joint Research Centre, Space Applications Institute, and DLR Angelyn Moore, IGS Central Bureau Ruth Neilan, IGS Central Bureau, Director (ex officio) Carey Noll, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Data Center Coordinator James Slater, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Chair Tim Springer, University of Berne, IGS Analysis Center Coordinator (ex officio) Robert Weber, University of Technology, Vienna, GLONASS Analysis Center Coordinator Pascal Willis, Institut Geographique National. The IGLOS Pilot Project Committee will review and approve proposals for establishment of new stations, analysis centers, and data centers, taking appropriate actions as necessary. The description and responsibilities of these fundamental IGS components are located in the IGS Terms of Reference at . Technical specifications for stations, analysis centers and data centers are included in this Call for Participation. The Committee will develop operational guidelines for incorporating the GLONASS operations into the IGS. Liaisons are maintained with the International Laser Ranging Service, the International Association of Geodesy, and the GLONASS Coordination Scientific Information Center of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense as appropriate. 2. Call for Participation The IGLOS Pilot Project Committee is seeking participants in the International GLONASS Service Pilot Project in the following categories: - IGLOS Observing Stations - IGLOS Data Centers - IGLOS Analysis Centers - IGLOS Associate Analysis Centers 2.1. IGLOS Observing Stations This call goes to individual stations willing to operate combined GPS/GLONASS receivers and to ”Operational Centers” currently in charge and control of several IGS stations as part of a special-purpose or local permanent GPS or GLONASS network. 2.1.1. Receivers Only geodetic-type receivers (capable of collecting pseudorange and carrier phase observations) may be used in IGLOS. Receivers must be able to track at least four GPS and four GLONASS satellites simultaneously. Receivers should be able to track the satellites of both systems on both frequencies. For special purposes, as for example, time transfer experiments, receivers with lower performance might be proposed, too. One of the goals of IGLOS is the total incorporation of the high-end dual-system receivers into the IGS network. Such GPS/GLONASS receivers should either be collocated on IGS sites (with the expectation of eventually replacing the GPS receiver) or on sites complementing the existing IGS network. The local ties between the antennae of existing IGS receivers, ILRS systems and the collocated dual-system receivers should be known with an accuracy of about 1 mm (in ITRF). A GPS/GLONASS Site Information Report must be submitted to the IGS Central Bureau prior to the start of the pilot project (available at the IGS Central Bureau Information System (see If the dual-system receiver is driven by an accurate external clock (rubidium, cesium or hydrogen standard), this information should be included in the proposal and the site log. 2.1.2. Operational considerations The sites participating in the IGLOS Pilot Project will have to observe the same guidelines and rules as the official IGS sites. Guidelines and checklists can be found at http:/ and http:/ Observing stations are requested to forward their data to an IGS data center within 2 hours from the end of the UT day on which the data were collected. Currently, many sites of the IGS and other permanent networks are upgrading their data submission procedures to enable hourly uploads. We encourage IGLOS stations to use hourly data collection and upload, if possible. The exchange file format is the RINEX format (see igscb/data/format/rinex210.txt). The following naming conventions will be followed: A 4-character acronym for each receiver operated as part of the pilot service should be proposed to and approved by the IGS Central Bureau ( For each marker, a DOMES number (a globally unambiguous marker number used by ITRF) has to be requested from the ITRF Section of the IERS Central Bureau (see, e-mail contact: The following file naming convention will be observed (see also recommendation in the RINEX 2.10 documentation ------------------Compressed File------------ File Type ASCII File UNIX VMS DOS Observation ssssdddf.yyO ssssdddf.yyD.Z ssssdddf.yyD_Z ssssdddf.yyE GPS Navigation ssssdddf.yyN ssssdddf.yyN.Z ssssdddf.yyN_Z ssssdddf.yyX GLONASS Navigation ssssdddf.yyG ssssdddf.yyG.Z ssssdddf.yyG_Z ssssdddf.yyV Met Data ssssdddf.yyM ssssdddf.yyM.Z ssssdddf.yyM_Z ssssdddf.yyW ssss: 4-character station code ddd : day of the first record yy : year of the first record f : file sequence number within the day (0: containing all data of the day) Hourly files use ´a´ for 00:00:00 - 00:59:30 UT ´b´ for 01:00:00 - 01:59:30 UT . . ´x´ for 23:00:00 - 23:59:30 UT The extension yyD (or yyE in DOS) indicates Hatanaka-compressed files. 2.1.3. Local Geodetic Ties The local geodetic ties between the GLONASS equipment and all geodetic equipment in the vicinity (GPS, DORIS, SLR, VLBI, PRARE,..) must be performed, documented in the site log and made available before the start of the Pilot Project. The ties have to be reported as Cartesian coordinate differences (delta X/Y/Z) parallel enough to the Earth-centered ITRS to maintain the accuracy of a few millimeters. 2.2. IGLOS Data Centers One of the final goals of IGLOS is the total incorporation of the GLONASS data into the IGS data flow. Therefore we ask the existing IGS Data Centers (Global, Regional, Local) to confirm their intentions to extend their activities to the handling of the GLONASS data following the IGS guidelines with necessary adjustments according to decisions to be taken by the IGLOS-PP Committee and the IGS Central Bureau. The proposal should describe the maximum number of additional stations from which data can be received, stored and made available for anonymous ftp access. 2.3. IGLOS Analysis Centers Analysis Centers will process tracking data of the IGLOS-PP network in order to calculate and make available products which facilitate the use of combined GPS and GLONASS observations for scientific and engineering applications. Initially, the list of products should cover a. precise satellite orbits (initial operational capability 20-50cm /10-cm level in the long run) b. satellite clock estimates c. station coordinates. Two types of Analysis Centers are defined in this Call for Participation: - Type 1 IGLOS Analysis Centers should produce orbit, clock, and station solutions in the same time frame as the IGS Analysis Centers. - Type 2 IGLOS Analysis Centers should produce orbit, clock, and station solutions within 3 weeks of observations (with the goal of approaching the time frame of Type 1 IGLOS Analysis Centers within the period of operation of IGLOS-PP). Moreover, IGLOS Analysis Centers are encouraged to study in detail the enhanced potential of combined GPS/GLONASS data for improving the quality of their Earth rotation parameters and atmospheric monitoring products as well as the impact of incorporation of SLR observations in the routine processing. Data Analysis has to follow as far as possible recommendations given in the IERS Standards. The full integration of GLONASS into IGS products, operations and programs is an important goal of this Pilot Project. 2.4. IGLOS Associate Analysis Centers In the IGLOS Pilot Project, we are seeking groups to perform independent routine analyses and evaluations of orbits, clocks, receivers, baselines, regional networks or other entities including specifically: a. Comparison of results (obtained by the various Analysis Centers) similar to those routinely performed by the IGS and IGLOS Analysis Coordinators b. Evaluations based on independent techniques, e.g., SLR observations. Proposals from SLR Analysis Centers and other analysis groups are encouraged. 3. Instructions for Submitting Proposals Proposals submitted in response to the Call for Participation should contain: - the completed proposal form signed by an authorized official representative of the organization - a detailed plan describing the activities proposed by the organization Send proposals to: (ASCII preferred) and Ruth Neilan Director, IGS Central Bureau Jet Propulsion Laboratory MS 238-540 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109, U.S.A. For proposals submitted by e-mail, please send a copy of the completed proposal form with the original signature page by regular mail. Questions can be sent to: Jim Slater National Imagery and Mapping Agency Mail Stop D-68 4600 Sangamore Rd. Bethesda, MD 20816-5003, U.S.A. Phone: 301-227-4549 Fax: 301-227-4749 E-mail: 4. Proposal Form PROPOSAL SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THE CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - INTERNATIONAL GLONASS SERVICE PILOT PROJECT (IGLOS-PP) Proposing Organization: Point of Contact: Name: Address: Telephone: FAX: E-mail: Authorizing Official: Name: Address: Telephone: FAX: E-mail: Signature: Proposal for: IGLOS Observing Station IGLOS Data Center IGLOS Analysis Center IGLOS Associate Analysis Center For Joint proposals: Collaborating institutions: Contacts: Detailed Proposal: From: ********************************************************************************