Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 695: CHAMP ILRS COSPAR Type Number is 0003902 From: Chris Reigber, Rolf Koenig > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2000-11-22 20:20:00 UTC Message No. 695 ******************************************************************************** Author: Chris Reigber, Rolf Koenig Subject: CHAMP ILRS COSPAR Type Number is 0003902 We are glad to inform you, that CHAMP´s COSPAR number can finally be considered being fixed at 0003902. This is due to the fact that USSPACECOM will definitely stick to the international designator 2000-039B (converted to ILRS type: 0003902) for CHAMP. This numbering is not according to COSPAR rules because CHAMP was separated first in the 039 launch and therefore should get piece number A. However USSPACECOM considers a correction of this problem as being extremely difficult. Anyway we can live with it. The procedure of adopting this number within ILRS should be coordinated by Mike Pearlman. Best regards Chris Reigber, CHAMP Mission Director Rolf Koenig From: ”Dr. Rolf Koenig” ********************************************************************************