Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 707: Low Elevation Tracking at Graz From: Georg Kirchner <###FROM###> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2000-12-11 14:20:00 UTC Message No. 707 ******************************************************************************** Author: Georg Kirchner Subject: Low Elevation Tracking at Graz Dear Colleagues, some work is going on at the moment on new/improved/upgraded atmospheric correction models; they all would appreciate SLR tracking data at low elevations (LE), at least below the actual 20 degrees cutoff. As there are in many areas legal restrictions, and on some SLR stations maybe also technical / physical (trees ...) / scheduling etc. limitations for such LE ranging, we do not propose at the moment a dedicated campaign for that (although this would not exclude a formal campaign in the future). Instead, we will start now here in Graz to track suitable satellites down to elevations below the usual 20 degrees cutoff, as far down as our technical parameters (and the trees around ...) will allow; we expect useful tracking down to 10 degrees elevation, and in some cases we hope to get some returns even down to 5 degrees (excellent weather conditions provided). We will try LE-tracking with LAGEOS 1+2, and most other geodetic satellites; there are no plans for LE-tracking for GLONASS, Etalons etc. in Graz (would be very difficult); we will continue this LE tracking during the next few months at least. We also encourage all those SLR stations to join this effort, which have no legal restrictions, the necessary technical specifications, suitable locations etc. to try LE - tracking, down as far as they can ! Georg Kirchner / SLR Graz ********************************************************************************