Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 772: Graz Mail Server From: Georg Kirchner & Franz Koidl <###FROM###> ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2001-05-09 13:20:00 UTC Message No. 772 ******************************************************************************** Author: Georg Kirchner & Franz Koidl Subject: Graz Mail Server Dear colleagues, our internet connection has been down most time during the last few weeks; this was due to some problems in the microwave link between observatory and university, and maybe due to changes of equipment at the university computing centers. Most of the problems should be solved now , and we are - hopefully - ”connected with the world” again ... If you did send any e-mails or files to us, and you did not get the expected response: Please send it again; chances are good now that something arrives here ... Sorry for any inconveniences ! Georg & Franz If you still get a few rejected mails: Please be patient; our colleagues are trying to improve the system from 95% up to 100% .... ********************************************************************************