Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 774: ERS-2 Anomaly From: GFZ Potsdam > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2001-05-22 19:20:00 UTC Message No. 774 ******************************************************************************** Author: GFZ Potsdam Subject: ERS-2 Anomaly ERS-2 Anomaly ------------- Dear colleagues, As you will already have noticed the ERS-2 operations are not nominal at the moment. Due to informations from ESA the payload has been switched-off yesterday at 18:12:31 UTC and the attitude control is done by thruster firing. Thus the distributed ERS-2 orbit predicitions are no longer valid. Meanwhile ESA has fixed the problem and is checking the satellite. In order to resume the nominal orbit an inclination manoeuvre followed by a touch-up one is planned for tomorrow. We will keep you informed. Best regards Franz-Heinrich Massmann From: Christian Ackermann ********************************************************************************