Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 802: LRE tracking support From: NASDA > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2001-08-17 11:20:00 UTC Message No. 802 ******************************************************************************** Author: NASDA Subject: LRE tracking support Dear Colleagues, Thank you very much for your participating in LRE rehearsal held early in August. I trust that your efforts will be able to serve real LRE tracking and processing. NASDA plans to launch and inject LRE (Laser Ranging Equipment) aboard new H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.1 into orbit with a perigee of 250 km, an apogee 36200 km and inclination of 28.5 degrees on 25 August. The mission objective of LRE is to evaluate an orbit injected by H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.1 precisely using SLR tracking data. As satellite Laser ranging data obtained at world-wide SLR network are necessary for orbit determination and its evaluation, I would appreciate it if your station could observe LRE immediately after the orbit injection. NASDA set the date of the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.1 as indicated below. 1. Target Launch Date : August 25(Saturday), 2001 2. Reserved Period : August 26(Sunday) - September 30(Sunday) 3. Target Launch Time : 04:00 - 09:00 (UTC) 4. Launch Site : H-IIA Launch Complex, Tanegashima Space Center Detail information about LRE is maintained on a website on the internet, which can be found at : Should you wish for further information or have any problems concerning LRE tracking , please feel free to contact to my colleague, Takashi Uchimura or me. I hope that things are going well for you and also new H-IIA, and thank you in advance. Yours sincerely, Mikio SAWABE Senior Engineer Satellite Mission Operations Department / NASDA Tel : +81 298 52 2349 Fax : +81 298 51 2326 e-mail : From: ”Takashi.Uchimura” ********************************************************************************