Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 922: Re: SLRMAIL 0921 (Time bias distribution) From: Werner Gurtner > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2002-03-27 09:07:00 UTC Message No. 922 ******************************************************************************** Author: Werner Gurtner Subject: Re: SLRMAIL 0921 (Time bias distribution) Dear colleagues, regarding SLRMAIL 0921 with the proposal for a realtime distribution server for time biases I would like to ask you for any comments and feedback, especially from stations and prediction providers, before the ILRS meetings in Nice on April 23-25. I would like to discuss possible improvements of the network performance by such a service at the ILRS Network & Engineering Working Group Meeting. Depending on the outcome I would then recommend the service to the ILRS. Thanks and best regards Werner Gurtner From: Werner Gurtner ********************************************************************************