Subject: [SLR-Mail] No. 930: Adoption final COSPAR numbers GRACE-A/B From: R. Koenig, R. Schmidt, GFZ Potsdam > ******************************************************************************** SLR Electronic Mail 2002-04-11 17:26:00 UTC Message No. 930 ******************************************************************************** Author: R. Koenig, R. Schmidt, GFZ Potsdam Subject: Adoption final COSPAR numbers GRACE-A/B Dear colleagues, the final COSPAR numbers for the GRACE satellites had been assigned short time after separation: GRACE-A: 0201201 or 2002-012A GRACE-B: 0201202 or 2002-012B As of Tuesday, April 16th 2002, 00:00 UTC, the prediction center at GFZ will adopt these number replacing the preliminary values (0299901 for GRACE-A and for 0299902 GRACE-B). GFZ requests ILRS stations and ILRS data centers to adopt the final values in their SLR data accordingly. From the list of the currently generated standard products (IRVs, DRAG, SAO and TLE) only SAO and TLE will be affected by this change. The satellite ids 8003 (GRACE-A) and 8004 (GRACE-B) in the IRVs and the DRAG files were already fixed before launch, so no changes are needed here. Best regards, R. Koenig, Laser Tracking System Manager R. Schmidt From: Roland Schmidt ********************************************************************************